Russians Caught Doing It Again! Meddling In Mid-Terms. Our Gov Oblivious


McClatchy on their game, brings us a new find on Russian operatives tied to the never-to-be-damned-enough “troll factory” that brought us “President Trump” and already under indictment by special counsel Robert Mueller. A Russian group with ties to these very same group already indicted are likely launching or preparing to launch yet another operation to interfere in the 2018 U.S. midterm elections, according to McClatchy’s reports.

Speaking at the end of an industry conference, researchers at FireEye, a cybersecurity firm spoke about a new effort by the Russians one mimicking the information warfare campaign that every branch of our intel-community concluded  helped Donald Trump during his “successful” 2016 presidential campaign, a fact that remains unacknowledged by the man charged with protection of the entire fking nation, Donald Trump – he won’t “go there” and admit it.

So, please note, as I did, that this warning did not come from the NSA, the CIA, or the other three letter companies charged with guarding our national security. Those outfits, though stuffed with good people, are all run by folks who call Trump “boss.”

FireEye warned specifically about a new website,, that appeared on the internet on May 17. They are posting 9 articles a day, with broken English being a dead giveaway to anyone caring enough to look, which apparently doesn’t include our government.

From Raw Story, speaking of the website:

On May 25, the website teased that their “USA Really” campaign would officially launch on June 14.

“June 14th isn’t just Trump’s birthday. It’s not just Flag Day, either,” the post read. “This is the day when we officially launch our project, ‘USA Really’, which is an honest media outlet that tells you what’s really happening in America.”

Have you ever found yourself wondering why it is that the country that most wants to see the United States cut down to size, divided, weakened, they always want Republicans elected? I don’t wonder, I know, and I know that it will come as no surprise to you that this site is heavily conservative.

“We’re all patriots, and we all want everyone else to finally wake up!” So says the website, which founded itself on Flag day and …Trump’s birthday, I don’t even know if that last part is true, you can’t trust a thing from these people.

“There are a bunch of other domains as well that play on USA Really that we are monitoring that haven’t launched,” Foster explained.

“It’s not always easy to change an outcome (of an election) but they can delegitimize the process and create doubt,” said John Hultquist, director of intelligence analysis at FireEye iSIGHT.

Jesus Christ blogging for sanity, this quote doesn’t even come from someone associated with a group paid to protect us, just “good people” in a private firm. (it is possible the private firm has a contract with the government, I will check that).

I ask a lot of people to share articles we put out. We are a new operation, trying to add analysis to everything we find of interest. Note, we always cite our sources, and I will cop to wanting our stuff “out there” as much as possible. But, this truly needs to be shared, and you can share the McClatchy story, Raw Story’s take, or my analysis, but please get this out there. Get this to your conservative “friends” and make them eat it, ask them why our adversaries always want Republicans to win, because I think I know the answer, and I’m pretty sure they don’t.




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