God, I love it when they eat their young! Let me remind all of you of this. Any primary election is supposed to be the ultimate test of party loyalty. After all, who but the most devoted, single issue voters will show...
I'm sure we all did this as kids—get excited about something and then go to mom, but she thinks that "something" is too risky and says "no." I know I did this as a kid, and then I'd go...
As you've likely heard by now, immunity for Donald Trump for the alleged crimes he committed as president has been shot down by a federal appeals court. Trump has vowed to appeal this, meaning the case will go to...
Welcome back. You know, watching the returns for the Democratic primary in South Carolina, and just doing a little mental calculating, it hit me. Right now Nikki Haley is the most dangerous woman alive for Traitor Tot. Far more dangerous...
Like millions of other people, I have always loved Tom Petty, and some of his songs, including I Won't Back Down, formed a small cornerstone in my life when I was younger. So now, when I hear Lara Trump's...
I'm all for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg receiving all the help he needs to prosecute Donald Trump in his criminal business fraud case in connection with his allegedly concealing hush payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. Indeed,...
When you look at the sad list of GOP primary presidential candidates that stumbled forward to challenge Traitor Tot in the 2024 primaries, It's a wonder they could make it out onto the stage without tripping over their own...
Not long ago, MAGA broadcaster Brenden Dilley, who considers himself part of Donald Trump's "troll army" warned his followers to "develop a stomach for death." Because yes, he's that devoted to Trump. Now he's back at it again because...
Just keep quiet and listen. Sometime over the next week or so, you're going to hear one last, tortured gasp, one last rattled exhalation, and the sound of an EKG flatlining. It will finally be over, Trump's ego will...
Times must be tough for whoever is tasked with entertaining Mar-A-Lago Club Members. I mean how does one put a smile on the faces of the fash-curious misogynists who fork out $100,000 for the privilege of rubbing shoulders with...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead