Even a bass wouldn't get in trouble if it just kept its bug, fat mouth shut! Journalist's prerogative. Before we get started, I want to get this particular kvetch off my back. I am getting so sick and tired listening...
Tonight's State Of The Union was a masterclass of electoral politics presented by a political master at the top of his game. And while Joe Biden has been in politics for some 55 years now, he showed that he...
*Sigh* This is only the first unofficial official day of the 2024 general presidential election campaign, and already way too many goddamn Democrats are running around sounding like the denizens of Rock Ridge in Blazing Saddles, wringing their hands and desperately waiting for Sheriff Bart to...
Sure, former President Donald Trump skipped all of the GOP debates because, I guess he thinks he was somehow above all this. But now all of a sudden, he's hot to debate President Joe Biden. I don't think Trump...
I'll say this once more. Trump. Can't. Win. This is not bluff and bluster, it's simple mathematical fact. Following a rambling, largely incoherent victory speech in South Carolina, where he couldn't even remember the name of the South Carolina Governor, one of...
Who knew that New York Attorney General Letitia James had a sense of humor—and a pointed one at that? We know she's intelligent, confident, and everything anyone needs in a good prosecutor. She decided to take a little time...
God, I love it when they eat their young! Let me remind all of you of this. Any primary election is supposed to be the ultimate test of party loyalty. After all, who but the most devoted, single issue voters will show...
I'm sure we all did this as kids—get excited about something and then go to mom, but she thinks that "something" is too risky and says "no." I know I did this as a kid, and then I'd go...
As you've likely heard by now, immunity for Donald Trump for the alleged crimes he committed as president has been shot down by a federal appeals court. Trump has vowed to appeal this, meaning the case will go to...
Welcome back. You know, watching the returns for the Democratic primary in South Carolina, and just doing a little mental calculating, it hit me. Right now Nikki Haley is the most dangerous woman alive for Traitor Tot. Far more dangerous...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead