Times must be tough for whoever is tasked with entertaining Mar-A-Lago Club Members.

I mean how does one put a smile on the faces of the fash-curious misogynists who fork out $100,000 for the privilege of rubbing shoulders with an increasingly demented ex-developer and reality show has-been with a full diaper and a bank account that will soon depleted of nearly $300,000,000 when the E. Jean Carrol and Civil Fraud judgements in New York kick in?

Naturally, you stick a dancer in an alcove of Club Cheese with a disco ball revolving where her head should be, crank up “I Believe in Miracles” and bathe her in the light of one of those 1960s’ era spinning tri-color mini-projectors we used to place under Christmas trees – all the while flashing Trump Property advertisements on her glittering fish bowl.


Our friend PatriotTakes had the film last night at 11 on Twitter:

Is that written into her prenup?



Didn’t much care for Disco the first time…



Yup, yup.




Jebus. Let’s hope not.


That’s just how they roll, Kris.





🍹 🍹 🍹

Watching this one has to wonder what Hieronymus Bosch hellscape the planners have in mind for the 4th of July.

With any luck Mother Earth will yawn and open a gaping sinkhole that swallows Chez-Cheddar and all associated well before then…

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  1. The Devil approached me with tears in his eyes…saying “this is yuge! this is the best entertainment I’ve seen dick…er dictator Trump! well done my son! I love the lighting”!



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