Welcome back. You know, watching the returns for the Democratic primary in South Carolina, and just doing a little mental calculating, it hit me.

Right now Nikki Haley is the most dangerous woman alive for Traitor Tot. Far more dangerous than Fulton County DA Fani Willis. Hell, even more dangerous than E Jean Carroll, or as Trump now refers to her as She who shall not be named. Carroll skinned him for $83.5 million, but Haley can help to fit him for an orange jumpsuit.

Here’s why. Last I heard, Traitor Tot was the dictatorial Czar of the GOP, that’s why nobody over there will grow a pair and fell him to f*ck off! But while His Lowness may lie as badly as a $5 Walmart rug, numbers don’t lie, and right now they’re piss miserable for Trump.

For instance, there was no Iowa caucus for the Democrats yet, that’s been pushed down the calendar. And in New Hampshire, running as a write in candidate in a faux election, since New Hampshire jumped the line over South Carolina, Biden garnered 67% of a pretty healthy Democratic voter turnout.

And in South Carolina tonight, he garnered 97% of the Democratic votes in a pretty well attended primary for a state where he was, as everywhere else, running basically unopposed. This guy is starting to remind me of the that Dick Daley used to rock-and-roll in Chicago.

But El Pendejo Presidente, the Slobfather of the Don Cornholeone crime family? This loser can’t even crack 60% in a primary, running against a bunch of ass clowns, only Florida’s Flop Gov still being in elected office.

In Iowa Trump landed in the mid 50’s. But that can be at least partially explained that a terrible turnout in a Polar Express left a smaller pie for everybody to divvy up, and it was split five ways. But it’s an excuse anyway, and whatever gets you through the night.

New Hampshire was both different, but more of the same. Finally reduced to what Haley had been working for, a 2-man race, Trump bested her 54-43%. The Zeus of MAGA world, and he tops out at a lousy 54%? This too can be bullsh*tted away with the excuse that New Hampshire is one of the least Trump friendly states in the country. News Flash! That logic is supposed to only be applicable in the general election, not the freakin’ primaries!

Nikki Haley is finally right where she’s always wanted to be, in a 2-man race. How often have I written that the only reason Trump got the nomination in 2016 was because he could successfully ride a 34% share in the winner-take-all primaries because there were 17 other idiots out there diluting the vote. Here’s the main reason that Haley is now the most dangerous political opponent His Lowness has ever gone up against.

Back in 2016, Trump went on FUX and Friends at like 5:30 in the morning and said something stupid and inflammatory that sucked all of the media oxygen out before any of his competitors were even out of bed yet. That was one of the crosses of shame that the media had to wear after the election, letting Trump strangle anybody else from even getting a word in edgewise.

If this was still the Iowa sized field, then right now Haley would still be fighting with mental midgets like Christie, the Ratty swami, and Flop Gov. And even though it’s better this time, since His Lowness is hardly campaigning, and mostly on Bullsh*t Social, it’s still mixed messages and reduced airtime.

But this time the situation is actually reversed. As a viable candidate, Haley is getting her message out on an almost daily basis, with networks playing clips of her speeches and rallies. That’s gold for her and her campaign. And the Pampers President? Because he’s incapable of stringing two coherent sentences together, the media pretty much refuses to quote his Bullsh*t Social rants, and no longer covers his rally speeches. Now they monitor his speeches, and only broadcast what they consider newsworthy. Which isn’t much. From where I’m sitting, Haley is actually getting more and better media coverage than Trump.

Which oddly enough may not be in Haley’s best interest. Because she’s latched on to her golden message. For months now Traitor Tot has been lambasting Biden as being too feeble and Alzheimer’s struck to remember to zip up his fly in the morning.

And noting the three year age difference, Haley is now hoisting Trump on his own petard. In her speeches and appearances she now refers to Biden and Trump as The Grumpy Old Men, playing a montage of clips of Trump stumbling and slobbering his way through simple sentences, then corrects him for the audience like a 3rd grade teacher proofing some kid’s homework. She even made a multimedia ad of the montage, and her corrections, which a Democratic strategist immediately posted on Bullsh*t Social, with the comment, Hey Trump! Seen this one yet?

She’s kneeing The Cheeto Prophet right where it hurts the most, his very stable genius nuts. And what’s he going to do? She grew up as a minority woman of color in the South. He and his racist minions hold no night terrors for her. She’s seen and heard all of that sexist, racist bullsh*t before.

And that’s what makes Haley so dangerous in this moment. I’m starting to think of her as a potentially fatal distraction. Right now Traitor Tot needs Haley out of this race the way a drunk needs a drink.

Trump’s entire path to freedom lies in getting reelected to the White House in November. He’s running a piss poor campaign, but gearing it exclusively to his Trombie base to keep them ferally motivated to show up in November. He” start trying to formulate a slightly moderated message once the primaries are over, and right now Nikki Haley isn’t letting the primaries be over! And it’s not like Haley is the only thing the Mango Messiah has on his plate.

Right now Hair Twitler has about three weeks to come up with an $83.5 million surety bond to allow him to allow him to appeal the E Jean Carroll verdict. And in the next few days, whenever Judge Engoron quits d*cking around, Trump is going to have another month to find a $275-325 million surety bond to appeal that ruling. And any day now the DC Appellate Court could come down with a ruling that sends his case back to Judge Chutkan in DC in a way that makes the SCOTUS decide to butt out, putting him on track for a probable May trial date.

Nikki Haley is like a gnat buzzing around Trump’s ear. And the more she keeps buzzing, the jmore distracted he becomes, and the more unhinged he’ll be in his rally speeches. A good reason for her to want him to get more coverage, so she can gleefully point to his senility. And he’s going to play right into her hands.

This is pure conjecture on my part, but it’s still how I see it. Nikki Haley is a seasoned politician, and one with some success and name recognition. She already knows that she’s not going to be President next January, but that’s OK, because she’s working on a Chinese 5 year plan.

If you close your eyes and listen to Haley, you could mistake her on surface for Premila Jayapal or AOC. It’s time for a new, younger generation of leaders to rise in the GOP. And that’s sweet music in the ears of moderate and more progressive GOP voters turned off by Trump. But there’s no way she’s going to do that in 2024, not with Trump’s rabid base.

So she has to take one for the team, and she’s young and connected enough to do it. She’s going to go to the mattresses with Traitor Tot for as long as AFP will back her, not to win, but to educate all of those independent, and moderate soft Democratic and GOP voters of Trump’s inherent danger in power, causing a defeat stunning enough to literally crush MAGA under the weight of it. Positioning Haley post mortem as the salvation of the moderate GOP, and the prohibitive GOP front runner for 2028. Adios Ratty Swami.

Will it work? How the hell do I know? I don’t even know what I’m having for lunch tomorrow. But there’s one thing that I do know. And that’s that there’s no way that a politician with Haley’s pedigree and accomplishments like Haley goes on this kind of a kamikaze run without some kind of a payout on the other end. And being a career politician ,it figures to be some calculated kind of political payout.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. She plans to also take down Biden with ageism although she’s a racist entitled nazi like Trump but smarter. If Biden crosses the finish line there’s no way he runs in 2028. Then it will get more focused on policy since it may be two women of color vying for the office!

    • “If Biden crosses the finish line there’s no way he runs in 2028.”

      By ‘he’ you mean President Biden? Hmm, 22nd Amendment…

      • lol. yep. Kamala 2028 more than likely. What will the racists do? They will vote for the racist woman of color…Nikki two face Haley.

  2. By the way just to remind everyone what a POS she is…she said Texas HAD THE RIGHT TO SECEDE FROM THE UNION! Then, when confronted with the fact that her home state learned the hard way that statement is FALSE, she did her usual lying word salad. Phuck that nazi beatch!!!!


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