Who knew that New York Attorney General Letitia James had a sense of humor—and a pointed one at that? We know she’s intelligent, confident, and everything anyone needs in a good prosecutor. She decided to take a little time out of her busy schedule to write former President Donald Trump a Valentine’s poem. It’s rather lovely that she thought of Trump on this day when most of us celebrate love. Actually, it’s especially thoughtful of her when you consider the fact that she’s the lead prosecutor in his New York civil fraud case.

“Roses are red, violets are blue. no one is above the law. even when you think the rules don’t apply to you.”

James posted the poem to X shortly before noon Wednesday, hours after Trump wished Melania a happy Valentine’s Day, replete with one of his usual shouty all-caps rants about the usual…you know, witch hunts, indictments, and arrests, according to Raw Story. The man is nothing if not unimaginative. Well, except for the fact that the Valentine’s wish came in the form of an email asking donors for money.

How romantic.

Oh, and always playing the victim. Because that’s how he rolls. He can do terrible things to the U.S. but when he gets one of his tiny hands slapped, he’s whining.

“you never left my side,” trump wrote, even though melania has left his side for most of the 2024 campaign trail.

I tell you, that Donald Trump. What a card!

And even though James’s poem is really rather mild plenty of rabid Trump supporters lost what little they had of their collective minds. Those last two lines really got their dander up.

“remember you said that when you are indicted for election interference,” scolded Aaron L. Schulte, echoing Trump’s hare-brained comments that he’s somehow a victim of a witch hunt.

Are you looking in a mirror as you say this??” sniped Sandy Ott.

And there were more.

But while there were haters, there were also many X users who lauded James for her poetic license. Frankly, those who dissed her can go sit on a hot rock, for all I care. She’s going to bring their undeserving messiah to justice and she deserves the appreciation.


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  1. It’s reasonable to conclude that epic little poem of Letitia’s should result in an involuntary, useless, and dysfunctional tightening of Don Don’s granite sack: it surely would be misinterpreted, by Don Don, as something completely unrelated, or remotely connected, to normality and reality.

  2. and yet I would guess the people having a problem with what Ms. James xittered have no problem with dingleberry’s election interference. My, my, my, my, my-such hypocrites.

  3. Interesting how no one is named in her valentine yet all those MAGAs assumed (knew) who it was directed at, just like they know he’s guilty as hell.


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