If this doesn't send chills down your spine you might want to check and see if you're still alive. Because this is cold. Yet, it's done with the same funny ha ha reception that Donald Trump always gets when...
Do you recall a few days ago when Eric Trump crowed about how Leticia James was going to get hers on Thursday, because that was the day that members of the Trump family and the Trump Organization were going...
Donald Trump is truly a character out of Boardwalk Empire. One of the characters of lesser couth, I'm sure I don't need to add. Trump has already launched his own anemic campaign and he was asked today what about Ron...
It's well known that silence is deemed acceptance and the silence of mainstream media over Donald Trump's latest outrage, suggesting that General Mark Milley should be executed for treason is the bridge too far. Outrageous doesn't even begin to...
I've been saying for some months that one dimension of this political campaign is that we're watching a mentally ill man, who was no mental giant at the top of his game, having a nervous breakdown in public. That...
It is always hard to gauge Trump's popularity, but with three-straight election losses and the fact that it is nowhere near a given that Trump will win (or even really seek) the nomination, it would seem as though Trump's...
Me thinks that Donald Trump is so used to telling this same old "Sir" story over and over again, just with different characters, that it didn't occur to him how absurd it would sound when he told MAGAs that...
This is another home run by the Lincoln Project. They always do well but occasionally they hit one out of the park and this is one of those. It all started out with Donald Trump accusing the Lincoln Project...
Da or Nyet? https://twitter.com/ChrisJustice01/status/1558324674953617408 Yup https://twitter.com/RAQUELROMAN4/status/1558315683729088513 🤔🤔🤔 https://twitter.com/TIKdOffPinsNTh1/status/1558301386244251648 🔐🔐🔐 https://twitter.com/SpeakSpeaks/status/1558437703703830528 Maybe so, maybe no. I need to see what they carried off… https://twitter.com/ifindkarma/status/1558335348995829760 Yup https://twitter.com/lukinrvm/status/1558404897242075136 That’s a couple of ugly mugs. https://twitter.com/dsurte66/status/1558374604179406848 😬😬😬 👇👇👇👇👇https://twitter.com/serendipity5460/status/1558303864474030083 https://twitter.com/JMFDSJ/status/1558541788981370886 https://twitter.com/Greedsakiller/status/1558520637454295040 They are finger printing them, does the tech exist to determine if they’ve been copied? https://twitter.com/music_fan2020/status/1558540748181602304 Small solace, but I’ll take what I...
This fits in totally with Donald Trump's character. He's always one to cut off his nose to spite his face. He did not want to have his mugshot taken or any personal details about himself known. That we know....



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead