If this doesn’t send chills down your spine you might want to check and see if you’re still alive. Because this is cold. Yet, it’s done with the same funny ha ha reception that Donald Trump always gets when he’s selling out America with one hand and collecting money for doing so with the other. Viktor Orban is the dictator of a small, poor European country, and he is despised and reviled for the way he treats both his people and his brutalization of journalists. That, of course, makes him Trump’s hero. That and the fact that he’s a fascist, and fascism is all the rave in right-wing America these days, doncha know. The tragic part here is that the wealthy clowns drinking their wine and feting this fetid man don’t know who he is because they are that bloody ignorant.

It has occurred to me, and I’m sure I’m not alone, that the arrival of Viktor Orban and the arrival of the $91M for Trump’s bond appeared on the same day. Or, maybe that was because Trump took over the RNC and it was issued on that basis. But even Lara couldn’t get her hands on the check protector and the accounting codes until she actually got voted in. Bear the timing in mind, is my point.

Do you love the “non controversial” line? Yes, that’s what Trump wants. He’s not a leader for a democracy, he wants to be dictator.

This is a capo saluting a bigger capo, one whom he admires and hopes to emulate. And don’t forget, Hungary has hosted CPAC in recent years. Make no mistake about what that signifies. MAGA is the fascism cult in this country and people like Orban seek to utilize that fact and Tucker Carlson is the linchpin between the two. Even Putin lets it be known what a weak sister he thinks Carlson is.

I actually feel sorry for Melania, as incredible as that might sound. This situation is getting ugly. She’s married to a guy who is happy to sell out the United States and ruin this country to save his own skin. The stench of that is going to be on her and her son for the rest of their lives. There is no getting around that. She got into this marriage seeing a life of comfort and ease, not a situation where she was going to be part of the most treacherous plot to destroy the United States that has ever existed in our history.

Also, Trump is instrumental to the downfall of the Republican party. They had problems for the past forty years but if Trump had not come along, they probably wouldn’t have collapsed so spectacularly and so soon. They would have floundered for a while and regained their bearings. By getting this extremist lunatic on the top of the ticket, for the third time now, they’ve sealed their fate.

And Melania will be remembered for that as well. Be careful what you wish for. She wanted to be rich and famous — as a model. What she got was rich and notorious and I don’t think history will remember her kindly. She’s not a former First Lady so much as she is the consort of the worst traitor this country has ever known. Benedict Arnold is smiling in Hell. Finally, somebody took him out of the number one spot.

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  1. Don’t worry about Melanoma. She knows what selling out is, she has already done it herself. It’s how she got where she is.

  2. mellie might have studied enough history to remember what happened to folks like the mussolini’s. Wasn’t pretty. When authoritarian regimes are overthrown it isn’t just the dictator who is put up against the wall (if caught before they leave with their ill-gotten gains)–ask Uday and Qusay. Oh wait, you can’t can you?


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