The impact on non-whites of SCOTUS overturning precedent and gutting affirmative action is huge news today.  It should be.  Chief Justice John Roberts famously, in my view petulantly wrote in his decision gutting the Voting Rights Act that the...
I'll be honest, I don't know if the Supreme Court has been embarking on some kind of lame reputation rehabilitation tour to try to convince the American public that they're not craven political hacks, or if the whole legal argument was...
Stupid is as stupid does   Mama Gump If you're following the current saga of the almost moblike corruption of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas with anything more than passing interest, you should have some twitchy feelings and instincts right about...
It's glorious to live in a technological age where there's a tweet or a tape of everything. Clarence Thomas spoke before a group in 2001 and told them that being on the Supreme Court was not worth the money,...
Donald Trump paid his electric bill, apparently. At least now we get to see what his proclamations are like when they're not done in the dark. But physical light has not leant clarity to his political positions. No, they've...
You can love me or you can hate me, but if you keep reading, I figure you at least tolerate me. And if there's one thing you can say about me, it's that I usually tend to come to...
Well that was almost anticlimactic. With all of the media hype about this ruling on the abortion pill case, I had expected either angels with horns and cherubs, or demons with fire and brimstone. And instead it turned out...
This would be pathetic if it weren't so damn funny. The Supreme Court, in all its pompous far right glory may be setting itself up for a pratfall of epic proportions. And the seditious six on the bench are just dumb...
You know, in order to engender as much fear and angst as possible, and to keep everybody on the edges of their seats awaiting developments that could occur at any moment, the media has totally mischaracterized the recent abortion...
How did it start?  Small. It always starts with something small   Egg Chen  Big Trouble In Little China I fear that after decades of GOP surreptitious excavation to try to weaken the very foundation of our democracy. The sh*t may...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead