If anyone understands Donald Trump, it’s former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, who is one of the former president’s sharpest critics. Late last month, he aired concerns that the U.S. Supreme Court could issue a “horrific ruling” that might allow him to stay on Colorado’s 2024 ballot after all. Now he notes that Trump is trying to hold special counsel Jack Smith and fellow prosecutors in contempt, in a move that he says is “unbefitting” and “frivolous,” according to Raw Story.

That would be Trump. He knows his goose is probably cooked and he’s doing whatever he can to forestall what could be the inevitable. And during an appearance on The Legal Breakdown with Bryan Tyler Cohen, Kirschner nailed Trump’s legal team for trying to get Washington, D.C.-based U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan to hold Smith and two of his prosecutors in contempt because they handed in thousands of pages in discovery and providing an exhibit list (y’know, what they are supposed to do) — while the case is paused.

Yes, this is stupid, and no, Judge Chutkan isn’t going to do that, even if they do claim that the work “teems with partisan rhetoric” and “false claims.”

Gee, I always thought the “false claims” were in Trump’s department.

Kirschner told Cohen “This is so outraged and incensed his defense team that they filed a motion to get the judge to order them to ‘Stop giving us stuff — and by the way judge, we want money sanctions!'”

The 15-page document makes bizarre claims including accusing Smith of attempting to prevent Trump’s return to the presidency. Frankly, the claims border on the absurd.

“…. Prosecutors admitted their goal is to achieve exactly what the stay order forbids — preparing this case for a potential trial, which the prosecutors arrogantly (really?) presuppose will occur,” the document states. “yet this is not the prosecutors’ only unlawful goal. unstated but obvious is the prosecutors’ desperate effort (again, really?) to harass president Trump and prevent his likely victory in the 2024 presidential election.”

This is an obvious effort to further stall the trial until the election is over. That’s all this is, an effort to waste time so that Trump can pardon himself. Because he’ll be able to do just that.

I’m sure Kirschner, who tried hundreds of cases over his career, is used to the Trump team’s shenanigans, no matter how futile they may be, but the whole situation leaves him dismayed.

“This may be one for the record books,” he said. “it’s one of the most frivolous — it’s a downright silly motion.”

I’m no legal expert, but if I were one of Trump’s lawyers I’d be too embarrassed to pull this stunt. It speaks of desperation and really makes them seem like a bunch of amateurs rather than the legal team for a former president. Even if he is a disgraceful one at that.

I’ve included Kirschner’s interview below.

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  1. These maga morons are beyond embarrassment. As long as they get their names promoted, salaries paid and their photos in the papers and on new sites and “teevee” associated with the mango monstrosity, they are good. They will throw feces at every wall possible in hopes something sticks. I firmly believe they think they’re going to figure out some novel defense that will put them in the law books. I’m sure they’ll go in the law books, but not the way they hope.



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