Awww, poor Traitor Tot. He is in a place he's never been in his life. Legally he's up shit creek. The House Ways and Means Committee is burning out House break room microwaves to make enough popcorn to last...
Over the weekend you might have seen clips of various racist comments Trump made while speaking to the annual gala of the Black Conservative Federation. It was held in Columbia, SC this past Friday night and while Trump's comments...
Racists sense the sea change working its way through American society, and they are striking back in their usual stupid, brutish, half-sensate way. We could write stories two or three times daily of some white guy screaming about wearing...
Where have all the flowers gone, was the hook to a popular song. But no one sings about the knocker fields and where they have gotten to. Except Donald Trump, of course. If ever the knocker fields had an...
The new Lincoln Project ad depicts the Confederate flag and makes the connection how the people who are all-in for Donald Trump display that flag. Hardly a coincidence. It will be interesting to see if Trump breaks out of...
I gotta tell you, I'm proud to be an American. We were willing to risk all to fight for our independence. We created what is still today the gold standard for representational government. We fought to expand our land....
If you've never heard of Jane Elliot before, you need to remedy that deficit in your cultural education. Jane Elliot was teaching grade school in Riceville, Iowa in 1968, shortly after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. She decided...
This is a great short clip of an interview that actor Bryan Cranston had with Chris Wallace a few weeks ago. Not only is Make America Great Again a direct lift of Adolf Hitler's slogan, Make Germany Great Again,...
Not long ago, MAGA broadcaster Brenden Dilley, who considers himself part of Donald Trump's "troll army" warned his followers to "develop a stomach for death." Because yes, he's that devoted to Trump. Now he's back at it again because...
It's not surprising that right-wing media and Steve Bannon in particular have chosen this pivot. The Buffalo shooter's manifesto is straight out of Tucker Carlson's broadcasts and that's not a good look to have. So it's time to deflect...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead