The new Lincoln Project ad depicts the Confederate flag and makes the connection how the people who are all-in for Donald Trump display that flag. Hardly a coincidence. It will be interesting to see if Trump breaks out of silent running mode to comment on this.

It was said when Trump was elected that we were now in the last battle of the Civil War. It would seem that that was a prophetic statement.

The ad will air in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan and Washington, D.C. The Lincoln Project has spent $500,000 on it, according to Politico.

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  1. Just saw this one again, this time with the sound on. It cuts pretty deep for me, as I’ve lived among the descendants of those Lost Cause pushers my whole life minus the first year and a half. That experience makes me think of something Carl Jung once wrote on how man is less good than he wants to be or imagines himself to be. They’re the ones I blame for making the hurting of my life possible. When they lacked any favorite targets, I was it. I never forgot that and gods help me, I’m pretty sure I never forgave that. And to think that what keeps happening is far worse to other people at the hands of these miscreants…

    Couple this with Birmingham knocking down yet another Confederate statue and I’ve got hope like never before. The tide has turned this weekend and NOT the way Trump wanted it to.

    • I’ve heard it said that the Nazis learned how to do their genocide from us. Given that Rommel learned his tactics from Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest (future founder of the Klan, I might add, who quit as their first Grand Wizard when they got too violent even for him), it’s not a big stretch.

      • The Nazis copied the idea of eugenics from us. We were using it on people with intellectual disabilities, people with mental health challenges, and immigrants. Based on the notion of breeding a “superior” race and weeding out all the “weak genes.”

        • That’s also how the modern incarnation of professional bodybuilding got started, meant to show off the ideal physique as opposed to those of “inferior” races. It eventually also became pretty misogynistic, as female bodybuilders of any race are discouraged and driven to the margins.

  2. I live in Northern Nevada and we are seeing this more and more, I live in an area with 2 Native tribes we have the Don’t tread of me sign and people of color are getting tried of it One because no one knows where there moving from and my family is of mixed races and I worry about all of them now. Now my grandson has moved to South Carolina and this is happening everywhere. I guess it like that old song a change is goin come. I know we can’t go back to the hatred that has griped this country so let hope our eye are opened by this and we can really look deep into this pandemic of hate and stop it too.

  3. Luckily for the Lincoln Project, they don’t have to fabricate spurious Willy Horton type ads. This time, they are blessed with an abundance of truth for ammunition.


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