If my uterus fired bullets, the GOP would never regulate it!   Austin TX pro abortion protester on Saturday The more I see this ridiculous and pathetic "Debt Ceiling Showdown" farce play out, the more apparent Senate Minority Mitch McConnell's strategy...
What a difference a legitimate Attorney General makes. The January 6th committee is going balls-to-the-wall with their subpoena issuance, and they're also being very aggressive on the setting of compliance dates. All of which is good, since you want...
On a cold and gray Chicago morn, another little baby child is born, in the ghetto...And his mama cries...Cuz if there's one thing that she don't need, it's another hungry mouth to feed...In the ghetto   Elvis Presley   In the...
I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Democrat   Will Rodgers Sweet Jesus! Why is this so fucking hard! The Democrats are poised to pass the most significant social legislation since The Great Society, and yet the Democrats...
Every time that I look in the mirror. All those lines in my face getting clearer. The past is gone   Aerosmith   Dream On This is not going quite as Joe Manchin had planned. After all, Joe Manchin is a big...
During the 2016 campaign it was considered shocking when a man in an open carry state, Georgia, was seen loitering outside a local Democratic Headquarters. And it was an alarming image. It was open intimidation, right out in broad...
When the rubber meets the road, boy meets girl then watch it explode. Yes mean no means yes means no, when the rubber meets the road   Meat Loaf   When the rubber meets the road And in the House Democratic battle...
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a column in which I opined that the Democrats should go ahead and nuke the filibuster, for the simple reason that even if the GOP took control of the House, they were...
This has gone for far too long. West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin is that rarest of all unicorns, a Blue Dog Democrat. A Democrat that manages to get elected, and then repeatedly reelected in a solidly blue state. And in...
When, oh when, will some of these people learn? Sometimes, there can only be one of a kind. There was only one Beatles. There was only one Elvis. There is only one Springsteen or Dylan. And they all share...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead