When, oh when, will some of these people learn? Sometimes, there can only be one of a kind. There was only one Beatles. There was only one Elvis. There is only one Springsteen or Dylan. And they all share one thing in common, they are all unique.

The same thing goes for politics. There was only one Teddy Roosevelt, one JFK, one FDR, one Eisenhower. They were all unique in a way that resonated only for them. And the same goes for Trump. The man is a human abomination, and a pox on the body politic, but he had a flair and a style that made him wildly successful beyond even his wildest dreams. But his magic was restricted to him. This is why it’s so hysterical watching all the little Trumplets like Deathsantis, Jordan, Gaetz and MTG prancing around, trying to be Trump. It doesn’t work.

And the same thing goes for Arizona Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema. She obviously considers herself a Blue Dog Democrat, and West Virginia Senator Judas Joe Manchin is her idol and mentor. But she’s running into the same problem I outlined above. There can only be one Joe Manchin.

Manchin is from a reliably solid red state, and yet he has managed to get elected and reelected, even in Presidential years. And the Democratic party in West Virginia is not in a strong position, which gives him latitude. Also, Manchin is covered in coal and fossil fuel lobby pocket lint, giving him a comfortable war chest.

Sinema has none of that. Arizona has spent several cycles being a classic swing state. Sinema herself is proof of that, having beat traditional GOP House incumbent Martha McSally for the open Jeff Flake seat. And the demographics in Arizona are trending in a Democratic direction, and the Arizona Democratic party is in a much stronger position that West Virginia because of it.

And apparently, the Arizona Democratic party wants to make sure that Sinema understands the differences, and steps up to do the right thing for the constituents of Arizona. A couple of days ago, the Arizona Democratic party returned a vote of no confidence in Sinema. This should be an electric cattle prod in the ass for Sinema.

Sinema is not up for reelection until 2024. But after Sinema beat McSally, Governor Ducey appointed her to replace John McCain when he passed. Mark Kelly beat her in 2020. Since that was for the last two years of McCain’s term, Kelly has to run again in 2022. Unlike Sinema, Kelly has been walking the Democratic party line. And considering the current state of the insane clown posse that is the Arizona GOP, Kelly is likely to go up against a slobbering Trombie, and retain his seat.

Senator Sinema needs to get herself unfucked soonest! especially if Kelly succeeds in retaining his seat in November, and demographics continue to trend towards the Democrats, Sinema is going to need the full support of the state Democratic party. The state party just sent a shot right across her bow that they think she sucks. Forget about the general election in 2024, if Sinema isn’t careful, she is going to find the entire Democratic power structure of the state aligned against her, endorsing and funding a challenger from the left in the primaries.

As the old Verizon commercial used to say, Can you hear me now? Sinema has been warned. The Arizona Democrats are clearly feeling their oats. The Arizona GOP just made national fools of themselves with their Cyber Ninja’s audit, only to find that the audit showed that Biden won Maricopa county by more votes than they gave him credit for. When Sinema ran for Senate on the Green party ticket, she was all in on deep sixing the filibuster. She had better get her head out of her ass, and go back to her roots, or she’s got a tough road ahead. Don’t touch that dial.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. To sane people like you and me it would seem obvious that Synema would have gotten the message from her Party out there in AZ. I read something earlier today that tells me she STILL doesn’t get it. She’s having a fundraiser with groups that are OPPOSSED to the 3.5 trillion infrastructure bill! Tone deaf and stubborn don’t begin to describe her. Maybe she figures there’s no other Democrat than Kelly who could win on a statewide level. But her not only wore thin enough that she’s crashed through the ice, the Democratic Party in her state is grabbing for poles to keep her pushed under the water. If she’s not careful they will say fuckit with the poles and drop in the wires from one of those hand-crank telephones that in certain places still get used to stun fish. I fear for what might happen with voter suppression and GOP controlled legislatures setting aside the results of elections but if we somehow kick ass in 2022 and gain a three seat or more advantage in the Senate then I think the Party might tell her to get her shit together or find herself without committee assignments and get behind a good primary challenger for her – to give that person a healthy head start on retaining that seat.

  2. She’ going to get primaried-that’s a given. The party will have little to say about it. Now, will the party support her competition? Maybe. Probably if she continues to be the pain in the ass she’s been thus far-no likes a whiny prom queen and she is the whiniest.


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