I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat   Will Rodgers

Sweet Jesus! Why is this so fucking hard! The Democrats are poised to pass the most significant social legislation since The Great Society, and yet the Democrats just can’t seem to stop stepping on their cranks with golf cleats! Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, the Democrats keep taking some of the most popular polling programs in recent history, and then diving into the weeds and let the discussion be driven by the one unpopular item. And that being while they already have a solution to the unpopular item!

Who the hell is running the Democrats messaging, Donald Duck? Universal pre-k. Popular. Medicare and Medicaid expansion? Popular. Medicare negotiating drug prices for seniors? Mondo popular. Community college? Popular. Child tax credit extension. Wildly popular. Finally tackling the horrors of climate change before it’s too late? Highly popular. And with all of that being said, what do the Democrats manage to allow the conversation in the media and the public to be driven by?

Three point five trillion freaking dollars! With all of the arrows in their quiver, when it comes to discussing the bill, the goddamn Democrats always seem to pull out a boomerang. And this is a totally self inflicted gunshot wound, the GOP is almost completely radio silent on this issue. They have just sat back and watched the Democrats eat their young. And there’s no logical reason for it. It’s the Democrats that keep harping on the top line number of $3.5 trillion, and allowing the media to harp on it too.

The polling is clear. Each of the items I outlined above, polled individually, hovers in the mid to high 40$ range. But when the pollsters throw in the fact that the Democrats plan to pay for it by soaking the rich with increased personal and corporate taxes, the popularity of the bill soars as high as 70%. And that includes Independents and Republicans. Turns out that there’s nothing people like more than getting shit without having to pay for it themselves!

Look, I’ve been at this for quite a while. And I know that negotiations take time. And even in labor disputes, both sides try to market public imaging to their own benefit. But in their internal bickering between the House and the Senate, the Democrats keep letting the top line the top line number be the driving force, instead of the benefits that they’re negotiating for the American people for. The House progressives have to stop that, and instead focus the messaging on the benefits to the American people, and on the mechanism of paying for it. Soak the rich. Everything else will fall in line. The pressure will continue to build on conservative Democrats to force their campaign donors to fork over their fair share, or face the consequences.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Democrats too often play the part of the “Ouch! My Balls!” guy in Idiocracy. Only instead of accidently getting their nuts racked they line up to intentionally get kicked in the crotch by a machine that kicks with the force of a professional football punter! (And that applies across the board from conservative leaning moderates to hard core liberals)

  2. Anyone who shows in a knife fight & isn’t committed to doing whatever u have to do to win, ends up carved up. We didn’t go to Normandy with law degrees, verbal arguments or good intentions. We went with guns & a realization that we needed to reduce the nazi population. When one spends 18+years being obedient,(the ONLY way to get the law degree), it’s almost impossible to free ur mind to do whatever is necessary. These nazis are beyond verbal or written arguments. If the democrats don’t do whatever is necessary, we will be a lost democracy. Of course they have to care MORE about saving our collective asses than keeping their riches & power. Not likely. When I go to war, I want a warrior next to me, not a politician.


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