Every time that I look in the mirror. All those lines in my face getting clearer. The past is gone   Aerosmith   Dream On

This is not going quite as Joe Manchin had planned. After all, Joe Manchin is a big fish in a small pond. As a Democrat who keeps getting elected in a solidly red state, Manchin is used to being a power player. And besides, he’s a Senator, the peasants in the House have nothing to do with him.

Which explains Manchin’s arrogance when it comes to the bifurcated infrastructure bill. Let’s be clear. Manchin really needs this bipartisan infrastructure bill that he and Sinema engineered to go through, and go through on its own two feet. Manchin has long been a stout and vocal opponent to filibuster reform, and this bill is the one leg he has to stand on to show that the Senate still works under antiquated Jim Crow era rules. But Manchin kept stoppers. He has the House moderate caucus to back his play.

Except he doesn’t anymore. I will freely give credit where it is due. Since taking over as Chair of the House Progressive caucus, Jayapal has whipped them into a monolithic unit. Meanwhile, the loose conglomerate of Democratic moderates, called Blue Dog Democrats, which used to regularly cuff House progressives around like newborn puppies, has fractured into competing factions with no unity. And Manchin was depending on those moderates to once again get into lock step, once again swat down the House progressives, and get his bill across the finish line. Which didn’t happen.

Here’s why Manchin is suddenly on the defensive. Manchin’s showmanship and theatrics not only garnered national attention, it started turning up some serious attention at home in West Virginia. The wonderful and inspiring Bishop William Barber from North Carolina got the ball rolling by coming north to hold a couple of Moral Monday Marches literally in Manchin’s West Virginia back yard, with plenty of local constituents joining in the fun. Protests started popping up in the lobby and hallway of his Capitol office. People started looking Manchin up when he is back at home. And in a video gone viral, Manchin was on his houseboat when a cadre of constituents paddled up in kayaks to hold an impromptu town hall meeting. One of the worst things an incumbent can face is an activist constituency with a grudge.

Here’s why it matters so much. West Virginia has a small population, less than 0.5% of the US population. So, obviously it doesn’t take a titanic shift in popularity to make the difference between going back to Washington, and having to get an actual job. Remember that. And while West Virginia is solidly red, it is not monolithic. Don’t forget, their Governor was elected as a Democrat, and only switched parties after trump won. But it gets even worse.

While West Virginia has a small population, historically, it leads the nation in the smallest voter turnout per capita cycle after cycle. There’s a reason why dumpster fires like Trump keep getting elected by 30 point margins. Because only far right fucks bother to show up and vote, either in the primaries, or the general election. So Manchin has to keep his base compliant.

Just imagine this scenario. A young, energetic, sincere Democratic firebrand like Beto O’Rourke, willing to put in the sweat equity to hit every district in West Virginia. Willing to speak to small groups, shaking hands, looking people in the eye, actually listening to them, and offering positive solutions to their problems. Keep in mind that Trump used populism and charisma to hoodwink the GOP base who were turned off from politics.

But even if that doesn’t happen, Manchin could still be in deep shit. If he continues to turn off his base, even if he survives a primary challenge, how much of his base stays home on election day and allows a GOP challenger to take the seat No shin off their noses, the politicians are out for themselves anyway.

It’s little wonder that Manchin has suddenly started talking and negotiation. West Virginia is a poster child state for the benefits in the reconciliation bill. And Manchin is now officially on notice that his constituents are aware of that, and they’re pissed. The ball is in his court.

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  1. Yeah. Another asshat made rich by the fossil fuel industry. I was in west Virginia in a ghost town called Welch. Old, formerly nice buildings, all empty. No one downtown on a Saturday morning. If u think ur poor, go to his state. Only a crass asshole would live like a goddamn king while his voters are dirt poor, & BLOCK help for them. May his evil ass slide into Hell along with his corporate republican buddies. They’ve already made their deal with the Devil.

  2. Manchin loves those coal-company owners. The actual miners, nope. They love Biden’s proposals, because those would bring in jobs that pay. Solar? Good. Wind? They have lots of mountaintops that have been flattened and could hold turbines. Roads? Better roads, schools that aren’t falling down, and with jobs there would be reasons for stores in towns again.

  3. The reason turnout is so low in WVa is because working-class voters — that is, most WVa voters — know that none of the candidates running for office in their state are going to better their lives, so why bother voting? Case in point, Manchin. If Manchin would enthusiastically support Biden’s program, he wouldn’t have any problem being reelected, because Biden’s program is very popular in WVa. But it’s so much easier to collect the $$$ from the corporate lobbyists. Except, ironically, that makes him more vulnerable to the Trumpies, because as you say, there are very few votes to go around. The other day, Manchin said, “I have never been a liberal in any way, shape or form.” Well, we all know that, Joe. So call yourself whatever you like, but have a heart, have some common sense, support your president’s program and do the best for the people of your state for once, rather than a bunch of exploitative, polluting national and international corporations.


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