We don't auto-publish every Trump tweet each morning. One cannot give a platform to the dribbles of an unhealthy mind. It can spread diseased thinking throughout the body politic. But, we don't ignore tweets that function as proclamations from...
Yes, Marjorie Taylor Greene teased her announcement this afternoon, noting she was going to give a "major announcement on Tucker" tonight. She showed her hand early. It wasn't exactly a surprise when it came out. Here is the workup: 'Antifa...
Most obscenely rich families begin with a sponge, and end with a spigot   Donald E Westlake It was January of 2009. Barack Obama had just been elected the first African American President in the nation's history. In the immediate aftermath...
As I've said previously, I have nothing even close to sympathy for the gutless, sniveling little toady that goes by Kreepy Kevin. But as time goes by, I get a better idea of why McCarthy says and does some...
I wrote previously about all of the possible changes to upcoming investigations and trials concerning police officers, especially white police officers, involved in the killing of unarmed black men and women. But there is one almost veratrin change out...
It came in with a ROAR, and died with a whimper. The Biden-McCarthy brokered two year budget bill that extends the debt ceiling for the same length of time passed the US House an hour ago with more than 300 votes. The bill now...
The old saying has been, The hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife. You've heard that one? Not this year. Not anymore. Not with today's GOP. The new phrase is going to have to be, so thick you...
This situation shows a couple of things very much worth noting. First, not only do we know that the far right doesn't care about lying or fact-checking, they don't care when they get caught lying by a fact-check. It...
It's too bad irony put her head in the oven years ago, because it certainly is amusing that this year's CPAC theme is "America Uncanceled" and yet one of the main speakers just got canceled today. Young Pharoah is...
Image IS Everything!   Madison Avenue Advertising mantra I'll give Nikki Haley credit, she has gone farther than anybody not named Christie to rip into Traitor Tot on issues that have actual meat on the bone. Although you'll notice that she...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead