I have often wondered if the Founding Fathers thought a day and age would occur when women served in both chambers of Congress. I’m sure this had to occur to some of them. Benjamin Franklin was quite the thinker and inventor. I’m sure the thought must have occurred to him. And certainly there have been some outstanding women in politics. Margaret Chase Smith and Ann Richards leap to mind. Nancy Pelosi made an immense contribution. Dianne Feinstein literally died in harness. We could go on. And then there are these two.

How will history remember them? With great accuracy, I imagine. Their worst moments (or at least the ones we know of, I’m sure there are much worse things that we haven’t seen) are recorded on video. I don’t think time will be kind to either Marge or Bobo. I think that they will look as stupid as they are 100 years from now as they do today — probably even more stupid because time will put MAGA and Trump in context, and it will not be a flattering one.

I love the hubris. God wanted Lauren to be seated at important tables where important conversations were taking place because why now? Because she’s so smart? It certainly isn’t because she’s educated or knowledgeable, that much is certain. She’s just wonderful and deserving in general, I guess.

I wonder if Lauren and God have had any conversations lately about what she’s going to do post politics. It’s not like she has the options that so many former politicians have, like going back to the practice of law or going into teaching. I don’t think she’s going to get a law degree awarded out of sympathy like she got her GED. And if the rules for teaching either in public school or the university level can be relaxed so much as to include employing her, that would be something to see. Although, in truth, it wouldn’t be one jot stranger than seeing her do political theater in the House.

In other words, Bobo is going to have to find her next scam. As to Marge, we are told that she is safely entrenched in her deep red district. Perhaps that is true. Or, perhaps even the people of Georgia have some limits as to what they will tolerate.

We’re going to find the answers to these questions in not too many more months. Bobo may be toast next month if she loses the Republican primary. The clock is ticking.

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  1. Perhaps Bobo misunderstood. Perhaps the almighty wanted her at those ever so important tables AND that she sit the f*ck down and STFU.

    Occasionally the voices in one’s head tell the person to do the sensible thing-she just doesn’t listen to those particular voices. We ALL hear our inner voices. Most of us listen and say “hey, you’re right inner voice. If I jump up on the salad bar at Wendy’s and take a crap in it, they will send for the po-po or the men in white suits”. Some listen and say “you bet I’m gonna crap all over that salad bar because it will be an intelligent political statement” (or something like that-who the eff knows what the crazies who listen to the wrong inner voices think are good reasons to do crazy shit).

    R.Rbow and the rest of us pummel these two doltish women because of their stupidity but honestly, ‘pube men are just as bad particularly the magat/freedumb caucus.

    • Or else, God actually told her she needed to SERVE at tables where important conversations were taking place – drinks, snacks, appetizers…..


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