As I’ve said previously, I have nothing even close to sympathy for the gutless, sniveling little toady that goes by Kreepy Kevin. But as time goes by, I get a better idea of why McCarthy says and does some of the contradictory shit he does. He’s responding to the insane deals he made to become Speaker by trying to wear 10 different hats at once.

Some of this insanity he had to know was coming, like the moronic statements and goals of the kangaroo kourt kommittees that are spring up like toadstools in a swamp. That was part of the package, and he knew it when he bought it. Besides, he can always hide behind, Don’t look at me, the Chairs run their committees. Go talk to them.

But his caucus’s insistence in pulling lame, stupid, unplanned shit has to be driving him up the wall, and good! For instance, how about a subcommittee chair who wants to start every meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, even though the entire House starts every session with it. This allowed Democrat David Cicilline to go off, including a flat-out statement that Insurrectionists like MTG and white supremacists like Paul Gosar shouldn’t be allowed to lead a field trip to the bathroom. And he sure as hell didn’t need the aforementioned Machine Gun Marjie holding a committee meeting rant, and screeching that traitor Ashley Babbitt was actually a murder victim at the hands of a vigilante cop. McCarthy wants J6 to disappear.

But now the needless self destruction has gone into full bore Animaniacs stupid time. And of course if it’s full bore stupid time, George Santos can’t be far off. Yesterday Santos and another numbskulled GOP freshman were spotted parading around the Capitol, with a silver pin silhouette pin of an AR-15 proudly worn on their lapels, right below their congressional pins. Somehow or other I don’t think that this was what McCarthy meant when he told Santos to Shut up and keep a low profile!

What new hell is this? In a country horrified by mass murders, who in the hell wants to wander around the halls of congress wearing the very symbol of mass murder on their lapels, like some kind of a secret club magic decoder ring that a kindergartner gets out of a cereal box?!

But it’s far more dangerous for McCarthy, and his razor thin majority than just optics. And for two reasons. Now that a couple of these chuckleheads are wearing them, the pressure is going to be on for the rest of the members to wear them to show sly solidarity behind the beleaguered NRA. Which is a terrible idea for the GOP, since for the last three election cycles, ever since Parkland, and only growing with Uvalde, GOP House incumbents with A or A+ NRA ratings are now officially on the endangered species list. Incumbents in more traditional, conservative urban border districts are unlikely to make that kind of a fashion statement.

Here’s the second reason. the real reason that McCarthy has the puny majority in the House he has today wasn’t the gerrymandered seats in New York and Florida. In my mind, it’s the 23-26 swing district seats that the GOP won back in 2020, when white suburban, largely women voters went home on the lower ballot and spanked Trump instead. The vast majority of them retained those seats in 2022.

But they live on a razors edge, and they know it. Their constituents elected them to get shit done, not dick around with politics. And considering the current trajectory of the monkey island GOP House, they aren’t going to have jack diddly to boast about to their voters when they go back home. The last thing they need at town halls and meet-and-greets is pointed questions from white suburban moms sending kids to school every day with Kevlar backpacks, why so many of their compatriots are paying fashion homage to the NRA and the weapon that’s killing their children, and exactly where they stand on that issue? Placating the moderates will only turn off whatever MAGA base they have in the district. And you know that the Democrats will hammer on it.

Here’s a Friday bonus cherry on top. I mentioned above that the last three cycles, 2018-2022 have been an unmitigated disaster for pro NRA House incumbents. For one good reason. Ever since Parkland, the fastest growing voting bloc in the US is the 18-24 group that became energized by Parkland. They’re largely motivated by two major issues, guns and global warming, and they’re breaking hard for the Democrats. Tragically there will be more school shootings before election day in November of 2024, by which time some estimated 3.5 million new voters will turn 18.

And the Democrats will be right there to welcome them home. Today was the traditional “travel day” for House members, but that didn’t stop several Democratic House members from making several very pointed comments, and asking several very pointed questions. If the House GOP continues to be arrogant idiots, we’ll see how the hammer falls next week when they get back. Gee. Think President Biden might mention it in passing at the SOTU? Don’t touch that dial.

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  1. There’s one thing I keep thinking, when I see McCarthy and all these other clowns saying their usual BS statements. Like McCarthy and the debt ceiling. I think that Biden has years of experience, know how and integrity of them. I’m pretty sure he knows how to handle this crap.

  2. Looks like the House GOP is moving towards proverbially shooting itself in the foot if you’re right about AR-15 pins becoming a thing with lots of them. I think you’re right and that’s exactly what will happen. However, the premise of your title is off. It says they’re stupid and self-destructive even when they don’t have to be. I think they do in fact have to be because it’s in the nature of modern Republicans, at least in the House. They are how they are and can’t help themselves! As for the moderates you speak of, I grow less hopeful about them with each passing week and I wasn’t convinced they’d be much of a force for good to begin with.

    Compare them with Democratic moderates in both the House and the Senate over the decades. They’ve had no trouble throwing their weight around and getting their way. Ask yourself how many times you’ve been pissed because they watered down various proposals and/or legislation! The current GOP House moderates on the other hand are TERRIFIED of being primaried from the right. How many broke ranks and refused to go along with Omar keeping her assignment on Foreign Affairs for example? I guess we’ll see if over time these GOP moderates grow a collective spine but again, I wouldn’t bet on it. The ones you mentioned that snuck in in 2020 need to get re-elected a third time in 2024 to get in five years in the House and be eligible for that good ole lifetime pension and other benefits! That ain’t happening if they stand up to the crazies and McCarthy and they lose their primary.

    i think they are going to make like DeSantis with his Presidential bid, keep his head down and hope that somehow things work out.

    • “need to get re-elected a third time in 2024 to get in five years in the House and be eligible for that good ole lifetime pension and other benefits” – and they’re willing to kill Democracy and debase themselves and their constituents for their own personal gain. How do R voters not understand this? It boggles the mind.

  3. I doubt this happy horse shit is bothering Kevie one iota. He has what he wanted, what he thought he “earned”: the speaker’s gavel. He does not care what these yahoos do because he now has the title speaker of the house of representatives. Everything he has done since he got his little gavel indicates he does not give a flying fuck. I doubt this will change.

  4. Re: “…AR-15 pins becoming a thing with lots of them….”
    My wife & I thought it’d be just neat of these Republicans to show their true feelings by having a race to see which of them could wear MORE & MORE of those hideous pins.
    Let’s see: MTG gets three and Boobert three ‘cuz they campaigned with photos of guns. Gosar only gets one ‘cuz his picture was a mere cartoon. Cancun Ted gets only two ‘cuz he only killed his constituents by freezing them to death. Wait he gets more ‘cuz Uvalde. Then Rubio gets six for Parkland.
    Can’t wait until they get the idea of making them into earrings!!! Then Santos could wear them. Gym Jordan can get one right in the middle of his forehead.

    This is a huge group of very sick people. I wish them all the best in making it more and more apparent every day.


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