This situation shows a couple of things very much worth noting. First, not only do we know that the far right doesn’t care about lying or fact-checking, they don’t care when they get caught lying by a fact-check. It doesn’t matter. The other notable anecdote is that Dark Biden is ready to go and appears to be campaigning. He rather enjoys taking the fight to the stupid people, especially Marj, saying she’s driving people to the Democrats.

It begins with Marjorie Taylor Greene essentially blaming Biden for the deaths of two sons who died of fentanyl intoxication.

Obviously, there’s nothing funny about the fentanyl problem. It is also worth pointing out that we can go back to Nancy Reagan and “Just Say No,” to understand that this country’s biggest public health problem is drug addiction and overdoses. It doesn’t matter who is president with respect to any one overdose, though there are strategies to mitigate damages, such as injection sites.

The problem for Marj is that the two boys she referenced died in 2020 when Donald Trump was president. I am certainly not blaming Donald Trump. But under MTG’s theory, Donald Trump killed those two boys by ineffectively policing the border.

But it gets better. It was CNN’s Daniel Dale who fact-checked the matter, and when checking with MTG’s spokesperson, he got an interesting answer about the fact problem:

“Do you think they give a fck about your bullshit fact-checking”?

Oh? No, no, not at all. No one ever accused MTG’s voters of caring about accuracy or facts. But it’s interesting. The aide’s point that “many have died under Biden!” is the exact reason you fact-check in the first place, “Many died under Trump!” Interestingly, later when Dale asked the same spokesman to comment on Marj’s other lies, such as Trump winning Georgia in 2020, the spokesman simply said, “Fck off!”


But then Joe Biden got a hold of the story, and that’s when it really got good. Note Biden’s timing and willingness to laugh at these people rather than take them seriously. All of us hate being laughed at. Indeed, most prefer having someone mad at them rather than being mocked. Dark Biden indeed:

And the response:

Love it.


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  1. F*ck horseface Madge AND her spokesman. They can peddle their lies elsewhere, like take them home to Russia, which is where most of this BS is coming from in the first place. We are under attack with propaganda, lies, violence from all sides by those who want to bring us down from within, by feeding all these lies and conspiracy nonsense to the rubes, getting them all fired up with resentment, vengence and violence. Repugs gladly play right into this, so high on the idea of taking power, legally or illegally, doesn’t matter, that they don’t get that in the end, it won’t be them in power. It’ll be whoever their masters turn out to be. What morons, to want to sacrifice all of us for their illusion of power.

  2. I watched All The President’s Men the other night about Watergate. This country has been living a HYPOCRITICAL lie codified into LAW when the criminal Richard Nixon placed cannabis in schedule 1, meaning dangerously addictive(false), and having no medicinal use(false), and did it FOR POLITICAL REASONS!!! FACT. Haldeman was taped saying exactly that. This law has been in place since 1970 and has created tens of millions of political prisoners in America with unfair criminal records. FACT! Meanwhile the etoh, tobacco, food industries have killed millions with products that DO meet that criteria and NO ONE GOES TO JAIL! The Sacklers have killed millions starting with their lie that oxycontin wasn’t addictive and sold thousands of MDs on that idea. They got rich, not jail time. Until this fucking country has drug laws that reflect the truth, this will continue. When you tell the young lies about cannabis, they figure they can’t trust anything you say. Yet the dangerous drugs go on. Why? Profit not the common good. Plan on more overdoses so you can practice your ‘thoughts and prayers’. Truth is the better alternative. Something the Law doesn’t value…the truth. Justice. Facts.

    • Let me riff off your comment bc it’s spot on. There is such a thing as what’s called “MSContin” – which is just morphine in an extended-release form. Why haven’t we heard anything about any run on MS Contin? It’s just as addictive?

      Bc the makers of MS Contin built the controlled release into the pill itself. You could not suck on it to get the “release” part off, nor crush it and dissolve it. IOW, they made it impossible to use in any way except how it was Rx’d.

      Ironically, ER narcs ARE less addictive. If one has broken ribs or cancer, where they’ll be on pain killers a long time, it’s the up and down every four hours that’s so addictive. When it’s sustained for 12 hrs, that’s less up and down and less addictive (but still addictive)

      The Sacklers knew all of this. And what they told the MDs about “less addictive on long-term release” was correct. What they didn’t tell the MDs was that it would be SO EASY to get around the extended release and be snorted, shot up, all that. They had the tech that MS Contin had but chose not to use it so that Oxy became the “abuse of choice.” That led to patients diverting, and wanting more and more, paying off doctors, etc.

      THAT part was the lie and very very much on purpose, wanting it to be “their drug” as the high seller bc it was so easy to abuse.

      It’s why you don’t see states suing MS Contin or the others that have serious safety tech put in.

      • Oh, and they also presented “data” showing that patients were “under-medicated for pain,” and that higher doses of stronger stuff needed to be Rx’d. That was data that was bought/paid for. Highly manipulated.

        US doctors Rx almost 80% of opioids world with, with 5% of the population. Whereas in India, a broken bone might get you some codeine, in the U.S. it will get you hyrdo or oxy, far stronger.

  3. Until we punish, as in punish for murder and thousands of them, the sack-of-shit-lers—ALL of them–justice will not be done.

    Fentanyl is a problem and what isn’t being created here (a fuck ton BTW) is coming from other countries-this is true. That said, does anyone realize just how fucking much can be transported in just how small a container? A suitcase can kill many, many, many people. Truck (semis) transport can bring in enough to take out the entire state of GA most likely. What I want to know is this: why would anyone wanting to sell the shit in the U.S. send it using people seeking asylum by crossing the border-legally or not? That is an inefficient way fraught with probabilities of it never making it to the intended receiver. The biggies wanting to make money off of idiot americans wanting to take drugs are not business mental midgets. They know how to get product where they need it somewhat reliably and they can get LOTS of it over here. Illegal drugs are not getting into the country by being carried here by asylum seekers nor with people accompanying them-not in significant quantities. Not when there are better modes of transport that will send considerably more over here.

    I know this is a waste of my time typing it but someone needs to educate idiots like kooky and her staff about things like R.O.I. You’d think tho’ that what with her father owning a construction company and her husband running it, she would have at least picked up a tiny bit of business knowledge. Guess not.

    • 95% of the drugs get in through checkpoints often by paying off a couple Customs enforcement.

      Fent is strong enough that just one brick size will create thousands and thousands of doses. (Measured in micrograms).

      In Southern California now, one basically can’t buy “illicit Xanax” – like they used to, bc it’s now all fake powder laced with fentanyl, or tiny xanax laced with fentanyl. The asshole guy on Fox (Not there anymore) tragically had his son die by taking is first and last “xanax” bc it was strongly laced with fent, and that was it.

      It’s so weird that if one can guarantee it’s “pharma Xan” then it’s more expensive than fent laced ones.


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