I can’t wait to see the psychology Ph.D. theses which are written about Mike Lindell in years to come. As a matter of fact, I’m willing to bet that Lindell Syndrome could be codified in the not too distant future. For openers, it would be an “obsessive/compulsive mindset where a fantasy becomes overwhelming, such that the fantasy replaces real life and puts the sufferer into a series of increasingly impossible life situations.” For example, Lindell claims that he has spent $30,000,000 on unearthing evidence of fraud during the 2020 election. And he probably has spent a great deal. We know he gave Dennis Montgomery of Hammer & Scorecard fame a few million and Montgomery gave him bupkis in return.

And we know he was ordered to pay $5,000,000 to a computer expert who did manage to debunk his findings at one of his symposiums. If that person has been paid yet, we have not heard about it. We could go on and on about Lindell’s obsession with the 2020 election being stolen and his complete and utter inability to find any evidence of same.

But now there is a new spin taking place. Lindell is not just off on his usual dirge about eliminating voting machines (so that dead Venezuelan dictators and Italian satellites can’t interfere with them) he’s now turned over a new leaf. Mike Lindell is going to “flip” Democrats to vote for Donald Trump. Like we’re burger patties or pancakes, or maybe eggs, he’s going to flip us and we will go from being Democrats to being MAGAts. This crazy fuck is gone. I mean gone.

He is going to ED-u-cate us friends!! Yassah!! He will show us the way, the truth and the light of MAGAHHHHH! The part I like is that Steve Bannon doesn’t even pretend that Lindell is making sense. He’s as incredulous as we are. Which is why I say that Lindell Syndrome will soon be codified and Mike Lindell, as Patient Zero, will be written up in the psychology text books.

If Lindell thinks he can “flip” even one Democrat, he is beyond batshit. I am frankly wondering if there aren’t some meanies at MAGA gatherings who are doing a foolie on Mike and saying, “I was a lifelong Democrat but now, after listening to you, I’m going to go out and vote for Donald Trump.” Either that, or there are Democrats who are bothering to infiltrate the MAGA ranks and lie to him and I don’t know anybody who’s that bored. Which isn’t to say that they don’t exist, nothing is impossible in today’s political climate.

Or, maybe Lindell fantasizes these encounters. Maybe he’s got imaginary friends who follow him from rally to rally and who introduce him to other imaginary friends, and all these imaginary Democrats are going to flip others, who will then flip and flip and flip and Donald Trump will win in the bestest, biglyest, most bodacious landslide ever. And Mike Lindell will be named Ambassador to the Martian Consortium. And given the Presidential Medal of Freedom. And awarded a platinum ax with which he can chop up voting machines to his heart’s content.

Lindell Syndrome. Wait for it. Coming soon to psychology bookshelves near you.

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    • He’s been talking this crazy talk for about one month now, about how he “knows all these Democrats” who are going to vote for Trump. I laughed the first time but now I’m beginning to think this is developing psychosis.

        • He is definitely psychotic. Any minute now I expect him to proclaim the arrival.of Michael.the Archangel complete with flaming sword to announce that anyone not voting for Trump is going to.hell.

  1. All the people who worked for Trump and continue to “idolize” him need psychological assessments.

    This will be work for years and decades to come for students and professionals who study criminal minds, especially those who crave power at any cost.



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