Okay, come at me: I am not a huge Star Wars fan. Ouch! Arrgh! Urk! Okay, I get it. I'm just not. I loved the original movie when I saw it, by myself, in one of the last theaters that...
As you all know, I've paddled around in Trump's Slough of Despond ever since he farted his way down that rattletrap gilt elevator in the summer of 2015. And paid the price. Which is why I'm so joyous to finally...
If there's one thing that any successful politician will tell you, it's that pressure works. Why do you think politicians spend so much time paddle-footing around to avoid having to make an actual decision and piss voters off? And we have...
There is news today that federal District Court judge Tanya Chutkan was "SWATTED" yesterday. It turns out on Christmas day so was Special Prosecutor Jack Smith. After ruling Trump would not appear on the GOP primary ballot in Maine...
Joy Ann Reid just reported that the Russian stock market lost almost 50% of its total value, one of the largest losses in a single day in history. Then she went on to report that Putin and his oligarchs combined account...
This shouldn't take long, but it is sooooo satisfying ro report. In her last block tonight, Rachel Maddow broke reporting from The New York Times that New York Attorney General Letitia James had subpoenaed records dealing with His Lowness'...
I know you guys like me, or you wouldn't keep coming in here to read my doggerel. But I also know that sometimes you guys finish an article, smile, and say, Interesting, but this guy is full of sh*t. Guess what?...
This would be pathetic if it weren't so damn funny. The Supreme Court, in all its pompous far right glory may be setting itself up for a pratfall of epic proportions. And the seditious six on the bench are just dumb...
I don't agree with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell about much of anything, but on one subject we find ourselves in complete agreement. More than a month ago, reading the already clear tea leaves, McConnell started preparing the sheeple...
Look, do yourself a favor. Forget about Biden's none of them piss poor popularity poll numbers right now. People vote for a whole dogs' breakfast of reasons. Political ideology, personal reasons, pocketbook issues, but nobody votes based on current...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead