I know you guys like me, or you wouldn’t keep coming in here to read my doggerel. But I also know that sometimes you guys finish an article, smile, and say, Interesting, but this guy is full of sh*t. Guess what? This time I kept receipts!

Just about an hour ago I published an article in which I reported that Donald Trump, not being able to pay for Rudy Giuliani’s high priced legal talent, but not able to jettison Giuliani either, made lemonade out of lemons. He held a fundraiser for Giuliani’s legal defense fund at Mar-A-Lago, where he could charge Giuliani for the room rental, staff, and food and liquor costs at a premium price. I wrote that Giuliani would be lucky to see 65% of the actual money collected in his criminal defense fund.

Less than an hour ago, while I was out in the kitchen, working on our bangers-and-mash for dinner, Alex Wagner brought me running out of the kitchen with the tongs in my hand. She reported on Tonight with Alex Wagner on MSNBC that Trump had announced that over the next 60 days, he was going to be hosting two charity fundraisers at his Bedminster schlock resort for two Georgia state Senators, indicted for signing false documents showing Trump as the winner in Georgia.

One is scheduled to be a regular style fundraiser, and the other one is going to feature a celebrity auction. And of course Trump will seize the opportunity to charge premium prices for subpar accommodations and food and beverage service. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Trump has discovered a new cottage industry. In the Georgia criminal case, Trump has somewhere around 15 criminal co-conspirators who most likely can’t damage him in court, even if they flip. But if Trump, The Master Carnival Barker, puts on his solidarity hat with his co-defendants, and starts holding legal defense fundraisers for the other 15, one or two at a time, he can milk this scam out for months, all the time looking like a hero to his co-defendants as well as the GOP sheeple.

I’ve got to hand it to the sneaky little f*cker. He may be looking long term incarceration square in the face, but that won’t stop him from making every single buck he can from his current circumstances. He’ll worry about the incarceration problem when it gets here. Trump is nothing if not reactionary. First things first. A profit.

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  1. Hey baby huey…Satan will collect every cent and a pound of flesh at the entrance to Hell. Just remember, YOU chose your path. Oh, and although you don’t believe it, that Bible, you and your killers try to hide behind, warns the wages of sin is death.
    I love the part of The Christmas Carol where Scrooge has transformed and realizes how truly poor he was locked in greed, hate, and indifference; then, when he awakes and has the epiphany that truly changes his heart, he becomes the best version of himself.
    Somehow I just can’t see Trump being impacted by those spirits. He just sue them.

    • I suppose everyone has heard about Satan giving the tour to the knew guy where he shows off various rooms of torture each one worse than the last. Then he gets to the last room and he shows this one and they are all standing waist deep in sh-t. Guy looks and thinks this doesn’t look to bad. So he says okay let me try this one. And then this guy says okay everyone breaks over, back to standing on your heads.


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