Look, do yourself a favor. Forget about Biden’s none of them piss poor popularity poll numbers right now. People vote for a whole dogs’ breakfast of reasons. Political ideology, personal reasons, pocketbook issues, but nobody votes based on current political popularity polling.

This is never more so than in a midterm election. Especially a first term midterm election. The party out of power wants to make that midterm election a referendum on the party in power. But above all else, a midterm election is decided by base turnout!

When you look at it in that sense, then right now?, the Democrats are doing their job. What are the Republicans running on? They can’t seem to find an issue, other than inflation and high gas prices to run on, and they can’t seem to message it coherently, they’re falling back on social grievance, white grievance, critical race theory, white shaming, general pissiness. 

The Democrats on the other hand, have a plethora of issues to run on. The leak of the Alito draft shows that the SCOTUS is about to overturn Roe v Wade, and return us to the dark ages. The tragic massacre at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas has opened a wound the GOP doesn’t seem capable of dealing with.

The Democrats are doing what Democrats do. The House Judiciary Committee is reconvening in an emergency session this week to mark up up a suite of gun restriction bills. Their aim is to have the bills ready to pass next week when the full House reconvenes. And as we speak, there is a bipartisan group of US Senators working on moderate, common sense gun regulations that can pass the Senate.

The Democrats in the House will pass their suite of bills next week, showing their constituents that they are fighting for them. And whatever the outcome of the Senate negotiations, once the House suite of bills pass the House, Schumer will force procedural votes on every one of them, forcing GOP Senators to tie their names to a nay vote.

In the meantime, what is the GOP doing to inflame their base to show up and vote? They’re making their lame ass arguments on their nonsensical culture war issues. News flash for the GOP. The culture war issues that are going to decide this election are abortion rights, and common sense gun reform. Not critical race theory and pedophile Disney employees. And on those issues, the Democrats have their wind at their backs.

Naturally, Biden should do anything and everything in his power to raise his approval ratings to help his party in the midterms. But the actual election won’t be decided on Biden’s popularity, it will be inspired by what drives voters to the polls. And if that’s the case, then it’s advantage Democrats.


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  1. Why are you demonrats so fucking delusional?? Everything you touch is poison for regular people, you lie you cheat and you steal your party is selling off our country for greed and power your just an American version of NAZI’S

    • Better idea: Why do you Rs hate children so.much? You seem to.cherish your guns more than your kids.
      Under GOP. tax cuts for the 1%, my husband (23 years in the Navy)/and I (retired librarian teacher/ published author) paid a lot more in taxes despite having much more withheld. NOTHING Trump.did made our lives easier, happier, or better.
      So you can take your delusions and stick them.where you keep.your brains,who h is somewhere a lot lower down than your skull.
      So bloody sick.of poorly educated, insular, bigoted,guns happy Republicans

    • U are right about Democrates same applies to Republicans but there is little comparison about who is working for the good of American voter taxpayers and families. The Repubs are owning the libs, NRA, Putin, anti-abortion, suppressing the vote…, treason and other dangerous and foolish nonsense (to any sane person). Your senseless fears, vicious hatred and violence alligence by party is against humanity. World renown Conservative movements of racist is America’s enemy from within. Do you Trump dance while our children and other innocents die all to “Own the Libs” and suppress and humiliate all who oppose…!? Lunacy! Treason! Self- destruction!

  2. How to identify a Republican – projection. They do it every time. Describe themselves while claiming to describe others. Need to change your name to Baggabullshit.



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