As you all know, I’ve paddled around in Trump’s Slough of DespondĀ ever since he farted his way down that rattletrap gilt elevator in the summer of 2015. And paid the price. Which is why I’m so joyous to finally be able to oversee his final disgrace!

Which is why nothing gives me teak quite like following the continuing criminal investigations into El Pendejo Presidente. And the more I watch, listen, cover, and evaluate these investigations, I’ve come to one common conclusion for all of them.

Indict. Trump!Ā All of you already have more than you need to put Traitor Tot behind bars. And no, I haven’t seen even a small portion of the actual evidence you have, just what I’ve seen and heard reported on the news. But that stuff is all window dressing, it’s all mortar in your case to hold the bricks of the wall you’re building.

Because Trump has alreadyĀ convictedĀ himself,Ā by his own mouth, inĀ everyĀ case! And the best thing is, as strong as your other evidence may be, Trump has alreadyĀ confessed on tape!

Since Alvin Bragg had the balls to go first, let’s start there. Bragg’s star witness is Michael Cohen, but as a convicted liar, Cohen has credibility problems. But liar or not, Cohen was smart enough to cover his tracks.

Traitor Tot never even considered the fact that someone as compliant as Cohen might not be dumb enough to take Trump at his word. And so Cohen secretly taped his conversations with Trump which is legal in New York state. And Cohen caught Trump not only authorizing the payment, but then asking if they should use cash, and finally telling Cohen to coordinate with Trump organization CFO Allan Weisselberg to work out the details. With Trump’s, Weisselberg’s, and Trump Jr’s names appearing on the checks, what more do you need?

Now let’s move on to Fani Willis and the Fulton County DA. That one was a no brainer from the start. His Lowness’ infamous phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger, demanding that he find 11,780 votesĀ to swing the election to Trump speaks for itself. And now Willis has a phone tape of Trump trying to cajole the Georgia Senate leader to follow the Eastman plan and appointĀ fake Trump electorsĀ for the January 6th count.

And now on to Jack Smith and the Special Counsel investigation. While Smith has a plethora of evidence showing that Trump actually took the documents from the White House and stored them illegally in Mar-A-Lago, he has so muchĀ  more. He has at least three different FUX News interviews in which Trump stated on camera that taking the documents back to Mar-A-Lago was his privilege, since the documents departed while he was still President. And then he stunned Sean Hannity when he said, So what if I went through them and kept some. they’reĀ myĀ documents, and I can do what I want with them.

But since Smith has two cases, Smith gets a twofer. After a plethora of Trump acolytes spent the morning of January 6th exhorting the crowd to violence, FrankenTrump stepped to the microphones and said thatĀ If you don’t fight for this country, we’re not going to have a country anymore. After the rally, we’re all going to march to the Capitol!, and I’ll be right there with you, and we’ll take our country back!

Which is why Jack Smith is subpoenaing Secret Service agents before the grand jury. because he wants them to testify that Trump was desperate for his motorcade to the Capitol, so that he could lead the charge, believing that the Capitol Police would bend before him. Which is bullshit. The job of the Capitol police was to protect the Capitol, not kowtow to the President.

Trump is going to go down in all of these cases, for the simple reason that he just couldn’tĀ keep his big fucking mouth shut!Ā And the best part is that none of it depends on testimony, they haveĀ Trump’s own wordsĀ on tape. File the charges, and let the games begin.

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  1. Kinda like the moment in Blazing Saddles where Hedley Lamar tries to give the Bandits their badges and their leader scoffs – only here we can replace the word Badges with Witnesses:
    “Witnesses? We don’t need no stinking Witnesses!”

  2. We want ALL of the accomplices charged.
    Every elected political hacks that took part in this needs to pay for their seditious actions.
    No quarter for traitors and fascists.

  3. That ‘we don’t need no stinking badges’ actually came from a scene in Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Humphrey Bogart and his two partners were trapped at the top of a mountain near their gold claim when the bandits came. The bandits tried talking them out of their guns and got angry when asked for identification.


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