This is too funny. Nobody is going to accuse Trump of being a genius, nor even particularly canny or savvy. Trump is so used to telling and getting away with lies in his personal and business life, when it's...
(Cartoon by Jeff Darcy Ever since the existence of classified White House documents spirited away to drumpf’s dump of a Florida clubhouse has been public knowledge, der Gropinfuhrer has insisted that the trove of confidential, Top Secret, and Top...
Have you ever had an epiphany? That one blinding moment when the clouds part, the sun shines down, Gabriel's trumpet sounds, and all at once everything is crystal clear? I just had one. And the resulting brilliance of that...
Former FBI Special Agent and Lawyer Asha Rangappa speculates on Twitter that TFG may well have an insanity get out of jail free card up his sleeve after observing his looney-tunes legal maneuvering this past week: As much as I,...
One of the oldest adages in the world is, When you're in a hole, Stop digging! But because he's Trump, not only isn't he dropping the shovel, he's having his lawyers and flacks bring in a steam shovel to lighten his...
(Cartoon by Scott Stantis) The continuing deference the Federal Government is showing to the TFG and his revolving team of bush-league lawyers is increasingly unbelievable and unacceptable. In this Politico article we learn that the National Archives delayed turning over to...
Look, I think we can all agree on one thing. Everybody makes mistakes. I make 'em, you make 'em, it's part of being human. Hell, even computers make mistakes, They just don't call them that, they call them Internal Server...
If half of what is alleged is true, Alan Dershowitz had better hope that at least some of drumpf’s black mail never sees the light of day… But the master of Mal-A-Lardo has Alan’s raisins in his pocket so his...
Now all I can do is to shake my head, you might not believe that it's true   Jim Croce   Working at the car wash blues Every time you think it can't get any more stupid. People used to scream at...
I dunno. I'm not a lawyer, never played one on tv, and don't pretend to be one. But if you know something about politics, then by necessity you tend to learn a little something about the law. They kind...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead