We all know that Donald Trump has said he wants to be “dictator for a day” if he’s reelected, but according to a report by Time Magazine, he plans what can safely be described as a reign of terror. This will especially be true for immigrants and people of color.

The story, by Time Magazine’s Eric Cortellessa, reports that Trump intends to implement an “imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world” if he’s reelected.

Cortellessa interviewed Trump directly twice and held conversations with scores of people within the former president’s orbit. What he found is truly scary: the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee has a whole list of draconian policies he intends to enact, with or without Congress’s approval.

Among them:

  • There are plans in the work to deport 11 million immigrants currently residing in the U.S. and possibly “build[ing] migrant detention camps.” This also includes “deploy[ing] the U.S. military” to round people up.
  • Trump may also decide to withhold government funds according to his whims. This includes those appropriated by Congress, in order to prevent the funding of programs that he opposes.
  • Possibly firing U.S Attorneys who don’t do his bidding and refuse to prosecute his political enemies. Not only that, but he may use the Justice Department to prosecute people he feels have wronged him. And of course, we’ve heard that he has been considering pardoning the hundreds of Trump supporters who participated in the failed siege of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
  • Trump may also deploy the National Guard to cities across the country “as he sees fit.”

This is, at best, a partial list of what Trump and the rest of the GOP plan to do, as he fully believes that there is a “definite anti-white” bias in the U.S. Trump. And he continues his abnormal obsession with the Biden administration, falsely claiming that the criminal trials he’s facing are being orchestrated behind White House doors.

But as Truthout reports, Trump won’t say that he wouldn’t contest election results in 2024 if he (hopefully) loses, and he “all but promised violence from his supporters if Biden wins another term.

“if we don’t win, you know, it depends,” trump told cortellessa. “it always depends on the fairness of the election.”

I really don’t completely understand what is mentally wrong with Trump. He’s pathologically obsessed with the idea that the 2020 election was stolen from him, even though this has been widely, thoroughly, and completely debunked. It’s scary how delusional this man is.

But at one point the conversation turned toward polling data that suggested some people believe bias against white people has been growing and is more prominent today than it is for any other group, Mediaite reports.

“there is a definite anti-white feeling in the country,” Trump told Cortellessa, “and that can’t be allowed either.”

Now how in the hell would he know anything about that? He has always led a life of privilege and he’s an obvious racist. Remember that $85,000 ad he placed in local newspapers that shouted: “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!”

This was in regard to the Central Park Five, a group of young, mostly Black teen suspects who spent ten years of hell in prison and were wrongfully imprisoned.

We can expect more of this if Trump is elected. This could become America’s nightmare and most of us may be plunged into a reality we have never experienced.

And one we never asked for.

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  1. Trump has never lost as he cheats to win. He therefore believes that the only way he could lose is if the other guy cheated better.


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