65 days. We're getting close enough in now where the numbers are starting to count, especially when we're talking about numbers that have nothing to do with generic national and battleground state polling. And for the two imbeciles? Well, they're rolling...
Ladies and Gentlemen! Start. Your. Engines!
Screw 63 days. Sh*t gets real in just three days. Because starting on Friday with North Carolina, and resuming on Monday with Minnesota, the first mail in ballots will be mailed out to voters. And at that point,...
You know, no matter how much kaboodle a campaign rakes in, somehow or other it's just never enough. That's why you keep getting goddamn text blasts from the campaign up until midnite on the night before the election.
To a certain extent this is...
Well, well, well. We're 63 days from the election, and the Trump campaign, three hours late and not even bringing a 12 pack and some chips, has gotten to the party. But at least they're trying to blend in...
Life for Traitor Tot used to be so gay and carefree. Trump had crafted his campaign carefully. First, run against Biden's age and alleged mental decline. And second, as almost every other non incumbent, run as the "change" candidate,...
I saw former RNC Head Michael Steele doing his pundit thing and he spoke a truth that his colleagues in media don't want to hear, much less do something about. He flat-out stated Democratic nominee has a very, very...
You know, one of the reasons that there were so many Democratic nay-sayers jumping on Biden to exit the race was he was a drag on so many critical races for the House and Senate.
For proof they pointed to states...
I can already see this coming a mile off. Arrogance and self entitlement, along with a tone deaf ear will kick your ass every time. And in less than a month, that pot is going to come to a...
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times  Charles Dickens  A Tale of Two Cities
And never was Dickens more astute than with that quote, especially when it comes to the presidential election of 2024. Because...
No, this is not some wishful wet dream, and it's not pie-in-the-sky thinking. It's based on simple common sense, and a lifetime of experience, a lot of which you have all already shared in your own journeys.
Just hear me out. If...