This has been a long time coming, and for far too long it appeared that we’d never see it, so now that it’s finally here, I suggest we all grab a frosty one, fire up the Redenbacher, turn up the volume, kick the recliner back, and all enjoy the final comeuppance.
For the last nine years, I haven’t just covered Donald Trump, I’ve been covering Trump the Bully. Because it isn’t just political, the bully gene is deeply rooted in Trump’s DNA. The greatest humiliation in his life was when his older brother dumped a bowl of mashed potatoes over his head at the dining room for bullying his younger brother. Rather than turning young Donald from bullying, instead he decided to be such a world class bully that he’d never be humiliated again.
And it worked. Working with his father, he bullied minorities by finding ways to avoid renting to them. He bullied small merchants, vendors and craftsmen who did work for him by threatening to tie them up in court forever if they didn’t accept pennies on the dollar. He even bullied big New York banks by threatening to sue them for breach of contract if they didn’t renegotiate his overdue debt.
It was more of the same when he went into politics. From the moment he farted his way down that gilt rattletrap escalator in Trump Tower to bully undocumented immigrants, black people, and Muslims in his announcement tirade, it’s never stopped.
In the primaries he bullied every one of his 16 opponents, and then went on to bully the freakin’ RNC with threats of splitting off with his raucous mob and starting a third party run if he didn’t get the nomination.
In power, Trump was the consummate bully. He bullied businesses, both foreign and domestic to buy him off by spending money in his Trump branded dumps. He tried to bully NATO allies with threats of withdrawing from NATO if they didn’t pony up. Then tried to threaten German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull, and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He bullied everybody, unless they had oodles of cash. Then he promptly grabbed his presidential knee pads, and did a Neil-and-Bob.
Then the wheels started coming off the Trumpmobile. In 2020 it was the voters who knocked the chip off of his shoulder by bouncing him to the curb on his ass. But Trump swatted that one away with his bogus claims of The Big Steal! His hypocrisy remained as intact has his stupidity.
Then the courts chimed in. First US District Court Judge Kaplan not only knocked the chip off his shoulder, he went to the mattresses with his lawyers before finding him civilly liable for sexual abuse, as well as defamation, hitting him up for a cool $89 million. A state civil judgement for massive fraud with a $454 million price tag came next, followed by a 34 count criminal conviction in state court for fraud. That was whitewashed by spurious claims of prosecutorial and judicial misconduct. But the warp shields were cracking.
And now the end of the line. Let’s be honest. That debate wasn’t just a debacle because President Biden fumbled and stumbled, it was a debacle because Trump bullied him. Trump didn’t have to interrupt Biden, he simply rolled his eyes on camera, sneered, and even snorted at Biden’s responses. Then he sarcastically accused Biden of warped fantasies, and demanded that he apologize. Little wonder Traitor Tot thought he had the election in the bag.
But guess what? It turns out that Biden’s big sister just came around the corner, and she brought the karate team with her. And for the first time in his pathetic life, Trump the Bully, with one skinny hanger-on standing beside him, is staring down the barrel of a buttload of pain. Harris didn’t just knock that chip off of his shoulder, she shoved him in the chest with both hands.
No ego shields this time, dipsh*t. You got yourself caught out in the middle of the schoolyard, at noon recess, and now everybody is watching. Wadda ya gonna do now, badass?
What else? Fall in line next to a teacher named Mr. FUX, start talking to him about the crazy people back there, and follow him to the parking lot, where you promptly run like hell for home. And if your flunky falls behind? Tough noogies.
Which is where Trump is right now, at home hiding under the bed. He doesn’t dare stick his head up, and certainly not leave the house. Even his own propaganda network seems to be deserting him. Not only did Laura Ingraham ask his flunky Beggar Vance to respond to the complaints that he was the worst possible choice that Trump could have made, but even FUX News will have to cover the events of today. And while they’ll heap scorn and ridicule on Harris and Walz, what they can’t erase is the two traitors heaping scorn and ridicule on The Cheeto Prophet.
And that stings, but it’s also dangerous. As I’ve written previously, Traitor Tot’s rabid base needs constant stroking, and right now they’ve got to be jonesing for a fix. And one rally a week, partially covered on FUX News isn’t going to do it. They want to see their Freddie Krueger whip out his glove and savage these pipsqueaks. And hysterical April 1945 rants on Bullsh*t Social isn’t going to do it either.
For the first time in his life, Trump is literally scared sh*tless. He has no answer for Harris, and he can’t seem to pigeonhole her with racial slurs of insults. And now with Walz, he’s facing a joyful warrior with a sackful of scornful epithets and insults, which require an aggressive, racist, vicious counterattack to satisfy his base. But he can’t seem to find that either.
Biden and the Democrats brilliantly shoved Trump up against the wall of a short time limit. Now the timer is running, and Trump is terrified to stick his head out of his hole and take any more incoming. It’s this simple. Bullsh*t Social won’t do it as a substitute for personal appearances and rallies. But if he actually crawls out of his hole and does a rally, his only lines of attack just draw the contrast that the Democrats are looking for. For the first time in his life, Traitor Tot doesn’t know what to do. Don’t touch that dial.
I thank you for the privilege of your time.
After reading his rant in Ursula’s piece, my thought was “who would want a person who talks like that to be the President?” The more the general public sees of him, the less they like him.
His usual ugly nastiness is not doing the trick this time.
Aw, don’ tit make ya just wanna cry for him?
Maybe he can send out his hired guns:
Bannon – oops, in prison
Guiliani – oops in court
Widdle Stevie Miller – oops, to busy writing Muslim bans
Roger Stone – too busy ratfucking someone who will fight back this time
Proud Boys – all in prison
Bill Barr – nah, won’t be Att Gnl again, ever
Tucker Carlson – saw him at the R convention, not since
Hannity – irrelevant by now
Hmm, running outta dudes
Ivanka – don’t pinch her bottom
Laura – too busy stealing YOUR money Donnie
Don, Jr. – sniff, sniff
Eric – now where’d I put that accounting pencil?
Kellyanne – running what campaign?
Kimberly – shrieking violence
north…you forgot Natasha…she’s double checking with her attorney what she will receive when he is either declared incompetent, or he keels over in the sandtrap on the 9th hole. Bring me moose and squirrel!!!
How scared is Fat Elvis??? He sends Hillbilly Hitler chasing after the Harris-Walz Express through the key battleground states, while the World Leader Pretend storms into the battleground state of Montana!!!
He’s getting V2 of a plate of mashed spuds tipped over him, perhaps.
I just remembered the South Park episode where Wendy was giving a report during Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Cartman kept being, well Cartman. She finally threatened to kick his ass at recess but he weaseled out and it got pushed to after school. Just before the end of the day Cartman looks at her and realizes how deep shit he’s in, so he literally drops a turd on the teacher’s desk to get detention. Thinking he’s off the hook he is stunned to learn the fight was on for the next morning before school, so being Cartman he gets his mom to go (with him) to Wendy’s house to complain to her parents that WENDY was bullying Cartman. Her parents are furious with her and apologize and all the while Cartman peeks out and makes faces at Wendy.
She gets threatened with grounding if she “doesn’t stop bullying Carman” so naturally the next morning Cartman taunts her. Then Wendy gets called to the Principal’s office where the Principal says she’d heard about the fight and sounds disappointed that it’s not going to happen. She praises her for her work on Breast Cancer Awareness and tells he she’s a breast cancer survivor. That cancer will take over if you let it and you have to fight that “fat little lump” no matter what. It’s easy to see she’s telling Wendy not to worry, that she (Principal Victoria) will sort things out with Wendy’s parents.
So, all of a sudden since recess is started the fight is ON and Wendy’s not wasting any time. And Cartman’s verbal bullying gets him the richly deserved ass kicking he deserves:
Trump is NOT a bully. He is just a punk with money. Big difference. He can bully people with money but alas, he is just a punk. Take away his money, which NY is starting to do a nice job along with HIS Lawyers, and all you have is a punk.
Murfster. lol Toad
Murf has major vision issues and his glaucoma is quite severe at times. Anyone who spends time here is aware of that and willing to forgive some typos. I sometimes do some editing for him but I’m on the east coast and he lives three time zones behind me so many of his posts go up while I’m asleep. DBAD and lighten up.
And I have been trying to help with that Denis. And I am in between the east and west coast. Sorry I didn’t see this one before I went to bed last night.