27 year old Jared Michael Boyce had a big problem after being released on bail following a planned bonding excursion gone bad, harassing a pride event with his boys over the weekend… …following his release he showed up at his...
This is pretty bad, even for Jeanine Pirro. This is full demonization of "the other" which, once again, is people living south of the border and purportedly having a field day crossing the border and doing God knows what...
The news coming out of Jacksonville, Florida this weekend could not possibly be any worse for the three victims and their families of America’s latest mass shooting, but it is possible that an even bigger tragedy was averted by...
Donald Trump isn't fazed by the idea of waging racist attacks against anyone. He's demonstrated this from the beginning, with his "bad hombres" comments, his failed border wall, and his obvious paranoia about immigrants from the Middle East. Now...
That didn't take long, but it was so satisfying to watch. I can only imagine what it was like to feel. Days after House member Justin Jones was expelled from his seat in a disgusting display of racism, he was back,...
For nigh on a year and a half now I have been saying that Donald Trump is literally killing the Republicans as a viable national party going forward. As a result, I have taken my fair share of incoming...
The day is finally here. Lord and little fishes, it took the GOP longer than it took Mother Nature to create the Grand Canyon, but the RNC and the GOP House are finally ready to give King the Steve-ho.Here’s...
The lid is now flying off Pandora's box in the wake of the Boebert/Omar showdown. What you will see in the days ahead is an open confrontation over the central issue here, which is this: Is racism and extremism...
“Dilbert” creator Scott Adams is really having a bad week, newspapers began dropping his comic strip last Friday after he posted a racist rant to YouTube and Twitter, and the unapologetic capitalist Adams began moaning about the cruelty the...
Unfriggin’ believable: https://twitter.com/_SJPeace_/status/1091111395758952449 https://twitter.com/Nancys_Mom/status/1091129411125104640 https://twitter.com/calibizeemom1/status/1091127779310034949 https://twitter.com/sabrinabright3/status/1091114430803386368



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead