You know what? Forget about the polls. There are no real Democratic primaries this year, Biden is the presumptive nominee. And who actually cares that happens in the GOP primaries, that's a foregone conclusion, and besides, 70% of the electorate doesn't even begin to tune into...
Now that the GOP primary race has narrowed to two candidates, Trump and Haley the question ever since the night of the New Hampshire primary has been how long the latter will stay in the race. In her striking...
Take a real good look at the article photo, because that's what an $83 million LOSER looks like! And the most delicious part of it is that Traitor Tot himself knows it! MSNBC legal analyst Katie Phang summed it up perfectly when she noted...
We're at a stage in our national politics where I honestly don't know if we're all living in a black comedy or if the shit is really about to hit the fan. We know that Greg Abbott is at...
The southern border is the source of Republican angst, always, but never so much as when a Democrat is in the White House. Then their favorite cri de coeur notches up several levels in volume and hysteria. Nobody exemplifies...
Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary last night. Whoop-de-do. He started his victory drivel with a lie about winning New Hampshire twice in the general election, when he lost both times, and ended with incoherent snarling threats against the last...
It's over. As I sit here, the primary results in New Hampshire show Trump winning with 54%, and Haley with 43%. This was by no means the result Haley was hoping and praying for, but it was still the closest that...
Well, Inspector Javert aka House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer brought in another witness. This one he was sure would finally give him the goods he so fervently believes are there to be gotten on Hunter Biden. And by...
I woke up early this morning and watching the news see the clips of voters in New Hampshire at the polls. It's primary day and the action is all on the GOP side. Polling in the Granite State is...
One thing you can say about covering Florida Flop Gov Ron Pissantis, he's never boring. He entered the race on a f*ck up, and exited it with his customary 3 yo pout via the app formerly known as Twitter. Let's just have...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead