Even a bass wouldn't get in trouble if it just kept its big mouth shut
As I've said previously, and by now both Traitor Tot as well as Kamala Harris are desperate to be seen as the change candidate in this election....
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The GOP, and for that matter Trump's bogus claim has been that courts shouldn't decide whether women should have access to abortion. No they've said, it should be a matter for the individual...
Think about how bonkers Trump would get if Democrats took one of Trump's grifts, his 'Trumpy Bear' (yes, it was/is a real thing) and created their own version. Using a Panda with a Trumpy Head? Trump's certainly given plenty...
I'll tell you this, as long as Traitor Tot and Beggar Vance keep running for President, I won't need Viagra. These two ass clowns are like a political porn flick. Mostly BDSM and self flagellation.
And here's the hysterical part....
What a day. You may rest assured that the phones of wealthy donors are ringing off the hook as are the phones to Trump's campaign. If his campaign managers are doing anything other than shutting their phones off and...
I related this a few days ago, but it's important. As Anthony Scarmucci, The Mooch pointed out a few days ago on MSNBC, since election day of 2016, more than 20 million Baby Boomers have gone on to their just rewards, and...
Look, don't give me a ration of sh*t here. Take a minute, read the article, think about it for a minute, and then give me a ration of sh*t in the comments.
Question: What's the difference between a dictator and...
This is getting to be fascinating, and it may well be that it completes the demolition process from within.
It's called Project 2025, and it's the brainchild of the far-right think tank The Heritage Foundation. It's a 900+ page instruction for dismantling the...
You know, when not only former RNC Chair Michael Steele, but also James Carville, David Plouffe, and former FL GOP House member David Jolly all say that Traitor Tot is running, by far the worst presidential campaign in modern...
When I write about polling, and sometimes even just electoral mechanics, I tend to use two numbers, and sometimes it might not appear that they belong together in the same sentence, but they do. And for what follows to...