You know what? Forget about the polls. There are no real Democratic primaries this year, Biden is the presumptive nominee. And who actually cares that happens in the GOP primaries, that’s a foregone conclusion, and besides, 70% of the electorate doesn’t even begin to tune into the electoral process until after Labor Day.

The simple reason that Trump can’t win in November is that Trump is a one-trick-pony, and the majority of the country has gotten sick of his trick.

Ask yourself this simple question. Going all the way back to the day that Traitor Tot farted his way down that schlock gilt elevator in Trump Tower, what did His Lowness have to offer voters? Three things. A media persona, carnival barkers con ability, and most importantly, his brand.

We’ll start with the media persona. Thanks to the shortsighted myopia of Grant Tinker and the other imbecilic nabobs at NBC, they gave a total loser like Trump nine seasons to portray himself as the ultimate winner on The Apprentice. The fact that Trump managed to snarl weekly You’re fired!, without either show, or Trump himself winning an Emmy tells you all you need to know about the quality of both the show, as well as the star. Only Susan Lucci has a worse record.

Next is his carnival barkers con abilities. Trump has never been anything but a carnival barker con man, one that would make PT Barnum tip his hat in envy. Trump has always sold the persona of himself as a billionaire real estate mogul, and has been careful to keep his business failures far detached from his successful persona.

Which leaves his brand. As piss pathetic of a businessman as Trump is, he has always managed to keep his precious business name brand separate from all the other sh*t and personal indignities he was suffering. How else do you explain the endless proliferation of Trump branded products when Trump himself was such an abject failure?

At his zenith, Trump literally made millions of dollars from properties he had never invested a single penny in, purely for the property management company’s personal thrill of having his name over the front door, and his Salvation Army Trump logo carpeting in the lobby.

  • All gone now, and in the most cheap and humiliating was possible. Within 12 months of Traitor Tot taking office, Burlington Coat Factory pulled all of their Trump branded merchandise, to be followed scant months later by all of their Ivanka branded stock for good measure, especially after she was exposed as running far east sweat shops abusing children
  • Independently owned Trump branded residential properties started having mass resident revolts, with condo owners angrily showing up at POA meetings and demanding that the Trump name be pulled from the building, or they’d sue for a loss of value on their units
  • Federal regulators started looking into Central America n Trump branded properties for possible foreign entanglements, especially Russian money laundering claims, causing several Ventral American properties to drop the Trump name.

Look, the only thing that El Pendejo Presidente has ever had to sell to the sheeple is the persona of the Trump brand, being an uber successful real estate magnate that alone could turn the country around. And now that’s in a shambles;

  • A Manhattan district criminal court jury found The Trump Organization, as well as several senior Trump officials guilty of long term systemic fraud in their business practices, retribution yet to be determined
  • In a Manhattan federal courtroom Trump has been found civilly liable for sexual battery against writer E Jean Carroll, and of defamation for lying and slandering her in an attempt to keep the truth out. They have trimmed him for a consolidated $88.3 million

Look, please, do me a favor. Forget about Trump’s f*cking base! How many times do I have to say that 35% of the vote couldn’t get Trump elected dogcatcher in Catsville, TN! Trump campaigns in front of his slobbering horde because it feeds his ego, not because he’s worried about their loyalty.

What Trump needs is independent and soft GOP and Democratic voters, and he’s f*cked! Not only is his persona shot, so is his branding, and without that mystique of business excellence, Trump has nothing left to sell. Sweet Jesus, there’s a new polling sub tab out there called Trump Never Trumpers. They voted for His Lowness twice in a row, but would rather slit their wrists than vote for him again.

Trump is a political imbecile. He has spent almost 10 years desperately trying to shore up his base, which isn’t enough to get elected. And now, through abject stupidity, he has traded away his last chips, his persona, and his branding. Trump has nothing left to sell.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. Terrific article, Joseph. In sum, as you astutely state “… he’s f*cked!…” Love your descriptor. Your first three paragraphs make priceless reading, too. Yup, he’s failed, failing, and continuing to fail – the failure that keeps on failing. His spectacular faceplate, has nearly taken final form, just over the horizon, before it stampedes towards his dried-up contrived existence. Thud!



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