It’s over. As I sit here, the primary results in New Hampshire show Trump winning with 54%, and Haley with 43%. This was by no means the result Haley was hoping and praying for, but it was still the closest that anybody has come to Trump in a primary so far.

It wasn’t like there was any suspense or anything. Within 16 minutes of the polls closing, MSNBC had already called the race for Traitor Tot. But when Haley took the stage 20 minutes later, you would have thought that she had just locked up the nomination. And for a very good reason.

Because none of it matters! It doesn’t really matter that Traitor Tot swept through Iowa and New Hampshire like Sherman’s scorched earth march to Atlanta. Only one thing matters. If Haley wants to continue on, even though the map is even less griendly to her than the Iowa/New Hampshire matchups, she’ll go on.

because she holds in her hand the ultimate tie breaker. She has Americans For Prosperity firmly in her corner. The Koch Brother’s political arm is in her corner, and have been for months now. And that means that Haley has access to more than just their Super PAC dollars and dark money contributions to her campaign.

They have a massive grassroots organization in all 50 states. Never forget that it was the Koch Brothers astroturf Tea Party Rebellion that launched the GOP to power in the House in 2010. That’s still there, and they can turn it to Haley’s advantage in Super Tuesday states and beyond where her own resources wouldn’t normally allow her to compete.

This is personal for Koch and their organization. The Koch’s are so through with Trump. They clearly see him for what he is, a pocket Hitler who would use his power as a dictatorial President to force massive companies like the Koch’s to heel into line. They don’t give a sh*t about Nikki Haley, if another moderate like Tim Scott had risen to the top, they would have backed him instead. What they want is to have Traitor Tot permanently crippled coming out of the primaries and going into the general election.

And to her credit, Haley is coming through in the clutch. After months of refusing to engage directly in criticizing Trump, in recent weeks Haley has started to criticize Trump, although indirectly, and in the most Machiavellian way possible. And in doing so, she reminds me of the Renaissance Borgia family, who used to stick pins into grapes, and dribble drops of cyanide down them in order to poison their opponents.

One of Trump’s favorite lines of attack against Joe Biden is that he’s too old, feeble, and mentally unfit to be President. In the last couple of weeks, Haley has gone on the attack on the stump, noting that Trump had claimed to have run against Barack Obama, when he never did, had claimed that Biden wanted to get us embroiled in WWII, noting that he must have meant WWIII, and that El Pendejo Presidente had accused her pf personally stopping the National Guard from rushing to the Capitol on January 6th, clearly confusing her with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She caps those off by asking voters if they really want 2024 to be a choice between two 80 year old dotards.

This is manna from heaven for Biden, who immediately put out an ad showing Haley’s comments, and following that with clips of The Mango Messiah actually making those statements, followed by a gleeful sounding Biden saying, I’m Joe Biden, and I approve this commercial.

All of which plays right into the Koch’s hands. Hell, they haven’t lost any money under Biden, and with the the Trump SCOTUS standing by to undo and remove even more government regulations, they won’t lose any money under another four years of Biden and the Democrats. And as long as Haley stays in the race, I wouldn’t be surprised if an AFP Super PAC starts running ads mirroring those that Biden is putting out, knocking Trump’s mental frailty.

I have noticed that the difference between the US political parties and the Chinese Communist Party is that the US parties get together once every four years to promulgate a national policy agenda, which is useless the minute it’s voted on. China holds a national party conference wherein they lay out a 10 or 20 year program for national growth, and then they stick to it. Right now Koch Industries is playing Chinese style policies

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. I’ve held out hope for awhile now that it will be a one-two punch
    to knock out the king of lame. the first was getting his hygiene
    related dysfunctions out to the public to gross out on for awhile.
    that worked pretty nicely. the second punch would be the dotard
    losing his little mind.
    having trials looming over him won’t hurt either.


  2. She will hang in so long as she has the funds to do so. When her wealthy backers stop sending money, she’ll drop out. She’ll have no choice really.



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