Let's try this again, shall we? Four years ago, I took some  good natured ribbing and doubt when I explained one of my long held political theories as to why I was so bullish on the 2018 midterms. And...
Most of us remember the thrilling climax of the original Star Wars movie, when the intrepid young Luke Skywalker straps into his X-Wing fighter and, against all odds, piloted it into the bowels of the evil empire’s daunting dreadnought,...
I know, I know, we're still 13+ months before early voting starts for the 2024 general election, so sue me. But you know how sometimes the weather forecasters see a storm system in the middle of the Atlantic, or...
I wrote a couple of weeks ago about how RNC Chair and Mar-A-Lago Welcome mat Ronna Romney McDaniel had announced a Blue Ribbon panel panel to do an autopsy report on the GOP's piss poor performance in the 2022 midterms. Great. This should be entertaining. Especially...
The Sunday shows are always amusing. We get to watch Republicans squirm on the hook like worms being used for bait. A lot of this would not be necessary, had the GOP not sold its soul to Donald Trump seven...
Don't say anything, you'll spoil the ending!   Too late, the ending came pre-spoiled   Old movie line We're still 18 months until the 2024 elections, and already the GOP is calling Tire Works to tow their bus in for new tires, since...
Yesterday Arizona Republican Senatorial Candidate Blake Masters, reading the electoral tea leaves, went from being a wolf with an extreme anti-abortion stance - even promoting a fetal personhood law to criminalize and stigmatize women who seek the procedure on...
This is quite a question, the one that we are about to be pondering here. The backstory of the image that you see above is that Mother Jones Magazine commissioned an artist named Woody Harrington to illustrate a story...
This is not, I repeat, not a good sign for Donald Trump. The evangelicals are beginning to desert him and he cannot win the GOP nomination without their support. I find it comical that in the clip you're about to...
I have often referred to Freedom Caucus members as performance artists as opposed to being members of congress. And never has it been more true than today. In fact it's getting so bad that even Republicans want this entire sh*t show to go...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead