Mike Pence was as exciting as a plate of saltines and mayonnaise at Wednesday night's vice presidential debate, but he did have a touch of color -- pink eye. And guess what? That is frequently a symptom of coronavirus...
The bookies in Dublin haven't laid odds on Donald Trump's chemical crash from dexamethasone or regeneron or any of his other meds at the time of this writing. The odds of him surviving overall are still in the 90's...
Mitch McConnell is a purely political animal and he has been in politics for a very long time. He has seen this show before. He knows he won't have the gavel next year. Therefore, McConnell went to his next,...
Isn't that the old saying? When someone proposes something so off of the wall that just the thought of it is inconceivable? When pigs fly! Well, when you look at the absolute trends in the latest polling, His Lowness is about...
This was too obvious to pass up and so the Lincoln Project didn't. They ran with it all the way and it is a scream. Take a moment and enjoy. https://twitter.com/ProjectLincoln/status/1313655008173404161 We're in the last 27 days of the most bizarre...
"Don't cry for me Orange-tina" -- new Trump world national anthem.  Welcome to the COVID Chronicles, 28 days out edition. We will do this once a day until COVID-19 is gone, or Donald Trump is gone, or the blessed day...
Of all of the false virtues ascribed to the simulacrum in chief, none is so woefully pathetic to the point of hilarity, as the deification of Holy Man Trump. He is the Orange Sun God who never goes out...
The following images are going viral. Before you view them, bear this in mind: Walter Reed Hospital had a state of the art, ne plus ultra, it doesn't get better than this reputation. Now its reputation is shit. Sherlock...
What is happening in the last days of this election is wonderful to see. The Lincoln Project has released a particularly stirring ad that stacks up with the best political advertising ever done. The voice here is clear and...
This is short and to the point. Donald Trump's egregiously selfish and dangerous photo op Sunday, waving to the crowds while holding his two Secret Service agents hostage in the SUV breathing recycled air with him, has been roundly...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead