What is happening in the last days of this election is wonderful to see. The Lincoln Project has released a particularly stirring ad that stacks up with the best political advertising ever done. The voice here is clear and all the notes are hit.

Woven into the patriotic symphony comes the truth of what Donald Trump is — ergo an attack ad — which in an epic and unappreciated display of decency, Joe Biden pulled of his own volition a few days ago after 45’s coronavirus diagnosis.

This is a great ad. It summarizes the miscarriage of democracy and exposes the aborted thing, the deformed political monstrosity, that got elected in 2016.

The Lincoln Project are all talented Republican strategists who have put country above party. Some Democrats diss them, and talk of Trojan horses. Let’s not worry about that right now. Let’s get Trump thrown out of office. Once we have America back on the shores of safety, then we can obsess on our differences and shades of purity. But we can’t do that at all if there is no country left, so let’s take care of the business at hand — which is the survival of democracy itself and of this republic —  and get rid of our common problem, which is the sniffling, shaking, lying compilation of monstrosity and morbidity which returned to the shadows of a White House he darkened with disease tonight.

I’m sure you recall as I do an original Star Trek episode, where the Klingon captain says, “Only a fool starts a fight when the house is on fire.” That’s where we are. Kudos to the Lincoln Project for one of their best and let’s follow the Klingon proverb. 29 more days.

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  1. I would assume they are still all in with approving cult member Barrett which will in effect end a woman’s right to choose, end hard earned LGBTQ rights including mariiage and freedom from persecution by self-righteous religious zealots, dissolving the ACA and the healthcare protections it provides along with other programs and legal protections too numerous to list, you know, like they were BEFORE Trump.

    To me all they are saying is we want Hitler removed, but we sure like us some National Socialism. I don’t trust them as far as I could throw the whole lot of them….and should Biden be elected, their Kum-By-Ya song and dance routine will abruptly change on January 20th at noon.

    • U give them too much credit for “knowing” anything. This group only knows what they want to hear, & as Paul Simon said in a song, “a man hears what he wants to hear & disregards the rest.” Stupidity has a moat & very high walls.

    • That’s only if Trumpism itself is flushed from the system, Blue. Spoiler alert: it’s not. Look for epic struggles between the varying factions in the American conservative movement to drag on for the entire 2020s. Thanks to Trump’s latest stunt, there’s no telling how many of these “leaders” will still around next year anyway. That includes Barrett, who may have been reinfected.

  2. I’m of two minds about the Lincoln Project. On the one hand, I am grateful for their ability to get under Trump’s skin and push their former party into the worst possible places. However, I also see them for what they are: failed courtiers who suffer from a messiah complex. This BS about how the Biden-Harris campaign needed to run the ads they just did…why bother if the LP will do that anyway?

    In the end, they are clever weaklings. Much like what’s left of the GOP “leadership”, they vastly overestimate their place on the food chain.

    • That is what so many fail to see, most republicans are insecure bullies with inflated egos. I see people all the time say that democrats are weak , and then go on to praise the Lincoln project for being strong, etc. They are really disgusting to me. I am glad democrats are nothing like them. I think they are useful now, too. It doesn’t mean i trust them, whatsoever.

      • A story Shelby Foote told about Lincoln: his aides were unsure of him appointing General Pope as head of the Eastern Union Army. Lincoln assured them that he knew the Popes from back in Illinois and that they were all liars and braggerts. But he didn’t see any reason why a liar and braggert couldn’t make a good general. By that token, you have to admit that the LP make really good attack dogs…but they’re failed courtiers just the same.

        • Read the The Team of Rivals by Pulitzer prize winning author Doris Kearns Goodwin. Lincoln was a genius of taking rivals & not only giving them cabinet positions, but won them over to being loyal to him. That’s true strength. Trump is FAKE NEWS. He can’t keep his sycophants loyal. Hell, his own wife clearly can’t stand him. Of course, she’s the victim of his physical grossness, so just a wee bit of leeway, although she’s been paid as well as any call girl.

  3. Been awhile since had to go to LinProj twitter… but then I also saw a GIF/tweet… Bush said there was a WMD in WH… Trump with blue eyes. NOOOO! The evil basturd has defiled my Babylon 5 realm. Beautiful red Lyta is the only nice WMD. Of course not to be confused withe the Legs of Mass Seduction… (okay, I saw DWTS, “I am weak”– Al Bundy).

    • Your post is fine. The algorithm flags a lot of fine posts, because simple words that people use are the same words that the spammers use. Don’t worry about it. Say whatever you want. Just know that you may get a flag because the algorithm is only so smart. The spammers reduce the joy of living for us all — me in particular.

  4. The Lincoln Project are a Trojan Horse? The Trojans popped out and took over the city. If the Lincoln Project Republicans want to pop,out and try to get Bernie Sanders, Joe Manchin and the 700 interest groups on the left to agree on anything, be my #$$#@ing guest, lol.

    • LP is going to be too busy struggling with other conservative factions after this is over, anyway. I don’t think that they understand how big a job redefining themselves is going to be.

    • It was still the right thing to do on Joe’s part. SOMEONE needs to be the grownup right now. If the LP crowd can’t wrap their heads around that because that’s not how their former party would have done it, eff ’em. And it’s not JUST Trump getting those sniffles.


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