Of all of the false virtues ascribed to the simulacrum in chief, none is so woefully pathetic to the point of hilarity, as the deification of Holy Man Trump. He is the Orange Sun God who never goes out in the sun but gets it out of a bottle instead. His middle spawn, Eric, was on the radio recently in ruby red North Dakota, talking that talk.

“The far left is the party of atheists…they want to close churches, they’re totally fine keeping liquor stores open…” This is only a :30 clip. You can stand it. And then you can go to the liquor store, we completely understand.

Raw Story:

He didn’t give examples of how Trump managed to save the 2.4 billion people practicing the faith, or even what the president saved Christianity from. However, he did say that there was some kind of war going on between Democrats and Christians. Most of the elected Democrats in office are Christians. He didn’t provide any evidence, Christians aren’t being shot in the streets or thrown in jail. However, the first lady did complain she “doesn’t give a f*ck about Christmas decorations.”

Donald and Melania aka Deadbeat and Melanoma worship the Almighty Dollar. That’s their one and only true God. To suggest anything to the contrary is utter farce.

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  1. Isn’t falsely declaring someone or oneself a God blaspheme???

    Asking for a friend…..you know…..Christian teachings and all of that.

  2. Worth remembering: Little Eric spent all of yesterday testifying to an AG in New York (don’t remember if it was State or City) while everyone was watching his daddy’s drama. This strikes me as penance for such.

  3. I’ve hardly consumed any alcohol at all in a given year for well over a decade. Closer to two in fact. Haven’t even been drunk since I was 28 and I only got wasted that night (my bachelor Party) because my ex wanted to see what I was like when I was drunk. So, I haven’t done heavy drinking since graduating college. That’s the last time I could handle a fifth of Jack Daniels (the old 90 proof version) in a single evening. I’m inclined to go buy one right now and try to drown this clown’s delusional idiocy out of my brain housing group. If I thought I could target it to kill the right brain cells I would. Oh, if he’s so concerned with KKKristianity maybe he should look closer to home. As in his step-mommy-in-law.

  4. Does he understand what “literally” means? Because Christianity was doing a lot better before his father and the prosperity-gospel preachers got power.

    • Well, bear in mind that the Oxford English Dictionary (one of THE most prominent dictionaries of the English language) surrendered back in 2011 (but not discovered until 2013) on the use of “literally.”

      From a 2013 Daily Mail article: “The dictionary states the definition as ‘in a literal way or sense’ but adds that, informally, it can be ‘used for emphasis rather than being actually true’ such as ‘we were literally killing ourselves laughing’.”

      From the same article: “[Senior OED editor Fiona] McPherson said: ‘Our job is to describe the language people are using. The only reason this sense is included is because people are using it in this way.

      ‘Words have changed their meaning ever since the first word was uttered. Meat used to mean all food but now its sense has narrowed.’”

      (The source article can be found at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2392586/Oxford-English-Dictionary-admits-used-wrong-sense-word-literally.html )

      Of course, Weird Al Yankovic’s “Word Crimes” still relies on the original, literal definition:
      “And I thought that you’d gotten it through your skull
      What’s figurative and what’s literal
      Oh but, just now, you said
      You literally couldn’t get out of bed
      That really makes me want to literally
      Smack a crowbar upside your stupid head”

      I’m sure that latter feeling pretty much applies to how everyone here feels about Eric Cartm–, sorry, Trump’s statement. (Though not seriously advocating violence. No matter how warranted it might be.)

  5. Melania has only one trait that I also have. She doesn’t care what others think. She does what is right for her. However, I take the feelings of others into consideration, which she doesn’t. I try very hard not to hurt anyone else and deeply regret what I have done that did hurt them. Melania is a perfect partner for Trump. My personal opinion of her is that she is a slut.

  6. Huh!?!?! Has he even been paying attention to anything that’s going on in this nation? Does he have ANY idea how much of a fool he just made of himself?


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