This is not an insignificant development, Matt Drudge turning against Donald Trump. Drudge is considered to be the de facto assignment editor for right-wing media. The stories he picks up and runs with are the right-wing narrative on any...
Trump shocked normal sensibilities and aroused the ire of lawmakers, and justifiably so, when he openly invited foreign interference with the 2020 election in an interview Wednesday with George Stephanopoulos. This echoed Trump's open invitation to Russia in 2016...
This isn't at all surprising, considering it's coming from the lips of a man who self-identifies as "The Chosen One." Donald Trump spoke with Geraldo Rivera on Fox News Thursday morning and he said that Joe Biden is "against...
I'm sure that someone far more wise and sage than I, say Ursula Faw, has already written about Kellyanne Conjob's interview with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg over the stormy Daniels hush money payment. But I heard something today that...
I never thought an incumbent convention speech could be bad, but I was wrong. Donald Trump's acceptance speech was interminable, boring and he kept losing his place on the teleprompter -- and this while sweat poured off him. Night...
Leave it to Rachel to always deliver. In her A-Block tonight, she led with the fact that TRMS could exclusively report that, in the progression of the Fulton County Georgia investigation into Trump's possible election interference in his dealings...
Donald Trump is still sounding slurred and looking shaky, on what was his second night in Nevada, trying to pry it out of the blue column and into the red. Trump spoke to a group of mostly maskless people...
What did Chuck Grassley know, when did he know it and who told him?
The President of the US Senate is the Vice President of America. In addition, the US Constitution instructs the Senate to choose a President Pro Tempore...
Another lifelong Republican has decided to put country over party and I say good for her. I anticipate that she is just one more in what will be a long line of former Trump world staffers to come out...
Encountering Donald Trump is not a normal experience no matter who you are. It is an automatic ticket to the Twilight Zone, even if you work at a world renowned medical facility like Walter Reed hospital. When Trump made...