Reina del Cid is the stage name of Rachelle Cordova, a Minneapolis based singer songwriter based now in L.A., who was prompted by recent …er… developments to pen the following anthem for disenfranchised women - My Country ‘tis of...
In a post last Saturday in Atlantic Magazine, columnist Adam Serwer described a Supreme Court Majority less interested in representing accurately our nation’s history and upholding precedent than attributing to the founders opinions and prejudices more likely to be...
GOP Senator Roger Marshall, along with several others, is contemplating objecting to a bi-partisan effort to extend school lunch funding ahead of a June 30th deadline due to the Biden Administration policy that no child is denied a school...
"Blow winds and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow!...and Thou, all shaking thunder, crack nature's moulds...that make ingrateful man." -- King Lear, Mike Lindell Well, friends, it's another day, another rant from Mike Lindell. In today's episode, Magic Mikey is still...
Well, last night was the full  moon, but the lunatics are still out in force on this night. Breaking news is that Mike Lindell no longer has Walmart to sell his wares. And here's the unkindest cut of all,...
When I was a young child I used to read a sci fic magazine, Amazing Stories. I found it captivating. I also read Beyond Fantasy and Imaginative Tales. As someone born in the Eisenhower years, that was about as...
I’m here all weekend, try the veal… I apologize if this has been posted here before, last night was the first time I had seen this particular clip and I didn’t realize it was from Saturday when she also made...
Not surprisingly, after last night's congressional hearing we're seeing more and more details surface about who said and did what before the January 6 insurrection. Here's senatorial candidate Herschel Walker letting you know where he stands. Whatever it takes, huh?...
When the Nampa, Idaho School Board recently banned twenty two books from their local high school library “forever” the owners of “Rediscovered Books” in Boise and “Flying M Coffee Garage” in Nampa swung into action and decided to “Stick...
I almost want to put a ***WARNING*** label on what you're about to see. Usually that is reserved for profanity or nudity, something you only want to view if you're not in the workplace where that would be inappropriate. Here,...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead