Well, last night was the full  moon, but the lunatics are still out in force on this night. Breaking news is that Mike Lindell no longer has Walmart to sell his wares. And here’s the unkindest cut of all, they do this the night before Lindell has vowed to release all the evidence that he’s had all these years but just can’t seem to get together in releasable form. But tomorrow the world decides 2020. You remember that?

And behold, who should appear on Lindell TV, but Sidney Powell, Ms. Kraken herself. She’s got more lawsuits than the desert has cactus, but to hear her tell it, it’s all just a big lark.

I guess that must be what it’s like when you go completely insane. People are suing you for billons, the state that you’re licensed to practice law in wants to revoke that license, but it’s all shits and giggles. Okay, Sid. Nice to know you’re enjoying yourself. I hope that when the men in the white coats come in to fit you for that designer strait jacket and give you a little Thorazine cocktail to chill out, that things will still be so lighthearted, so gay.

Supposedly Powell collected $14 million in donations. The Big Lie is big business. I could forget that aspect of it if it wasn’t so pernicious in other ways.

Now have you all been keeping up with your calendars? Good. Tomorrow is June 16. Mike Lindell is either making a movie or showing a movie that will “change everything” tomorrow and Friday, the 16th and 17th. It will be another Lucy and the football moment, but who knows, Lindell may attack a reporter or maybe he’ll have a truly novel answer for what happened this time.

Mike may not have a lot of money left for filmmaking, what with these retailers dropping like flies. We’ll see what happens, now won’t we?


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    • That is an excellent point. It may be something as simple as that. Professional store buyers keep tabs on what sells and what doesn’t. There’s an assumption that this is a political move, but it may be a business one. Lindell has bought himself a ton of negative publicity and his product wasn’t that good to begin with.


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