If you're not looking forward to seeing some of your crazy relatives in ten days, think how Mary Trump must have felt back in the day across the turkey from her uncle and cousins from Hell. Mary Trump has...
There's an apocryphal story about Donald Trump going to visit his eldest son in college. The way Junior was dressed and/or something he said annoyed Senior and so Senior hauled off and belted him and knocked him to the...
I was greatly entertained by the 1/6 committee meeting tonight to hold Mark Meadows in criminal contempt of congress, for a couple of reasons. First of all, in the two previous contempt votes, it was quick. Chairman Thompson and...
When all is said and done about today's events in the January 6 Committe, probably the question that will be asked is, "What did Mark Meadows think that he had to gain by stonewalling?" His situation has not been...
It has been a brutal week for Trumpty Dumpty. Next week doesn't look to be shaping up so well, either. Mark Meadows will be cited for contempt of Congress on Monday, Tuesday at the latest. Trump lost his case...
Did you know that a goose could cook itself? You won't find that in any chef's manual on the culinary arts but just ask Mark Meadows, he'll show you how. Meadows complied voluntarily when asked to provide texts of...
As far as the federal court system is concerned, Trump's suit to stop the Archives from turning over his papers to the 1/6 committee is flying through the system at warp speed. It took less than a month for the...
Can you break an egg twice? Asking for a friend. Trumpty Dumpty is probably scrambling himself right now as he pounds his legs and tiny fists and screams because once again, a court has fixed it so that he...
Donald Trump didn't do well in Vermont at all in 2020, getting only 30.8% of the vote, and it's not because it's a Democratic stronghold. Au contraire, its Republican governor, Phil Scott, won his third term with 68.8% of...
Oh! what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive Stupid is as stupid does I cannot believe that anybody as bone fucking stupid as Mark Meadows even managed to rise to the level of custodial supervisor, much...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead