Donald Trump didn’t do well in Vermont at all in 2020, getting only 30.8% of the vote, and it’s not because it’s a Democratic stronghold. Au contraire, its Republican governor, Phil Scott, won his third term with 68.8% of the vote the same year. There are states, Massachusetts being another, where a Republican can be governor and other offices, such as senator, can be filled by Democrats. Democracy works. Trump doesn’t know that, because all he knows is tribalism, but democracy works.

Scott roundly denounced January 6 the very same day. Good for him for coming forward while so many of his peers sat on the fence, terrified, waiting to see what others did first.

Now while I certainly applaud these words, I would like to point out to the governor that it was his party that refused to remove Trump from office after two impeachments. Bully for Governor Scott for some sane talk. It’s unfortunate that he is in the minority in his party, because what he says here is true.

Now we go onto today’s comments from Scott at Joe Biden’s Summit For Democracy. This is over seven minutes but well worth the listen. It is sane commentary. The only thing I  disagree with is Scott’s characterizing the lack of civility in our public discourse as being the fault of both major parties. I don’t see it that way. What I see is that Trump went off the deep end very early on and the GOP was, and is, too terrified to stop him. With the exception of that, and one other reference to both siderism, I think this is a very good piece of rhetoric.

Just a note: both Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy called out Trump in the beginning January 6, when they were thinking straight. Then McCarthy totally rolled over, craven canine as he is known to be, and McConnell went on to support Trump’s “right” to examine the election.

Had those two titular leaders held their ground, and if other governors and Republican elected officials in general, who knew Trump was wrong, had the mettle to call January 6 the bridge too far that it most assuredly was, by any sane measure, we wouldn’t be where we are right now. Right now we’ve got GOP candidates for office who support the Big Lie and MAGAs mailing drafts of idiotic lawsuits to the Supreme Court, thinking that some miracle will restore Trump to residence on Pennsylvania Avenue. None of that would be happening if so much of the GOP wasn’t complicit in Trump’s attempted coup. That’s the reason this toxic lie has been able to gain a foothold in this culture. There is no other.

Again, all respect and kudos to Governor Scott. Maybe he could call some of his colleagues up and see if they’re also willing to do the right thing, so that the GOP can move on. We won’t hold our breath.

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