Many of us march to the sound of a different drummer, but Lin Wood hears a swarm of insane woodpeckers in his head -- not to mention religious voices. Lin Wood told people last year that he would be...
The problem with American culture right now is that television has inverted reality. Television was originally intended to reflect reality, to bring you events in real time, "and you are there," as Walter Cronkite intoned. Television was going to...
Even the Energizer Bunny has enough sense to know when to quit, but not Mike Lindell. He just keeps going and going with the Big Lie. Lindell went on Steve Bannon's War Room today and he claimed, "We have...
This sounds like pure harassment. No wonder the Department of Justice shut this down and quick. Cyber Ninjas had a plan to go knock on the doors of people whose votes were "identified statistically" as "votes that did not...
This is getting curiouser and curiouser. The Arizona GOP has clearly gone down the rabbit hole and now they're theatening the federal government with time in the slammer if the feds have the hubris to enforce federal law. Hoe...
The real problem with following a crazed psychopath like Trump around, waiting for your marching orders is that, sooner or later, you end up every bit as batshit crazy as he is! It's springing up all over. In Florida today, GOP pus bucket...
If you're not up to speed on what's holding the Arizona audit back from completion at this time (they were supposed to be done May 14 and they're 1/10 finished) you need to listen to this clip from this...
This really isn't all that complicated, nor should it be. As a matter of fact, as the Geico commercials used to say, it's so simple, even a caveman can do it. Which means that nobody in the GOP will have...
Wednesday, Wednesday, can't trust that day....maybe if you're a conspiracy theorist hell bent on poisoning the political groundwaters with disinformation and lies, every day is a bad day. Today got off to a bad start when bright and early...
We've all heard of the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. This is more like the garden snail oozing up to the rock and saying, "But you promised me your blood," and the rock laughing, spraying salt on the...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead