We know that Donald Trump loves the poorly educated, because he told us so. And we know that the GOP is currently fundraising off of everybody that they can find on the left hand side of the bell shaped curve of intelligence. If you’re stupid and you manage to have an extra dollar, give it to the Republicans, they’ll know what to do with it and they need your money more than you do.

Here is Trump’s latest salvo in the Big Lie con.

Do you love it, that he explains his metaphor? Dear God. Seriously, this is so nuts that I thought this might be parody, but I went over to his blog From The Desk Of Donald J. Trump and yes, it was there. He sits up in the bridal suite at Mar-a-Lago and broods and pouts and this is what comes out of it at the end of the day.

And I also love that he’s calling for all the Republicans to UNIFY the day before his lap dog, Kevin McCarthy, politically offs Liz Cheney, in the futile hope that somehow she won’t be able to work on a 9/11-style commission into the January 6 riot. This is the week of official dis-unity as the schism in the GOP widens to Grand Canyon-esque proportions.

That’s about the size of it.


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  1. A nice, young, Jewish, charismatic rabbi once reportedly stated in Matthew 15:14: “Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” Hey christians. When do you plan on following Jesus instead of reaming his name up the wazoo without lube, by hating your next door neighbor, but, don’t forget to say grace? Hypocrites. Funny how that was called out by Jesus time & again. Accident? I think not.

    • For what it’s worth, Scott, you really didn’t need to include “Jewish” in the description since you used the term “rabbi.” It’s pretty much a case of “not all Jews are rabbis but all rabbis are Jews.”

      You could’ve simply written “A nice, young, charismatic rabbi.”

  2. With Trump, I like to skip over the “big dumb” and take joy in the little things.

    For example, “if a thief robs a jewelry store of all its diamonds (the 2020 election)…”

    Thank you sooooo much for pointing out your analogy, because I’m sure we all missed that your jewelry store heist fantasy was meant to allude to the election. Lol. Idiot.

  3. I’m wondering why Donald discusses a *jewelry* store but then merely focuses on the thief’s stealing “all its diamonds?” Has Trump never actually set foot in a real jewelry store? I mean, they sell a lot of other things besides diamonds and a thief who spends his time ransacking the store looking ONLY for diamonds is most likely a thief who’s going to get caught.

    Maybe Trump’s analogy is meant to imply that the “diamonds” refer only to the Presidential race while all the other races (that apparently were NOT “stolen”) are all the other merchandise that the hypothetical thief ignored during his robbery.

    Then again, Trump probably didn’t put that much thought into the analogy. Does kind of make you think why he never got a “diamond toilet” (or a diamond-encrusted toilet) to go along with that gold crapper he so proudly showed off. (I’m also guessing Trump doesn’t realize that it’s far easier for a thief to dispose of stolen gold rings and watches and bracelets etc than it is to dispose of diamonds–especially after a jewelry store heist has been publicized.)

    • He’s been known to “give” people stuff he claims are diamonds, but they’re actually CZ. A metaphor for his entire life: promise big, deliver small.

  4. You know it’s strange. I was just noticing that very thing while scrolling through Facebook. The majority on there that really live and breathe trump are the shall we say not gifted. Although I’m new to Facebook the way my page is set up I know about a third maybe of the people on there and I know where they are on education and smarts. And I will say that the most ardent supporters just don’t have it going on. They sit there and try to praise his orangeass and take down Biden but it comes out the other way around and they are so pleased that they scored one. I really try to stay out of it most of the time but every now and then you just have to take a base hit. Live and learn.

  5. I sure am glad we got all these cupcakes on the job, keeping us safe from diamond thieves stealing the diamonds and giving away the votes. Why I don’t know how I will sleep tonight knowing all these voting diamonds are running around stealing votes and giving everyone diamonds. And that’s why Cheney won’t resign. Knowing she’s from Wyoming she probably already told that sniveling coward McCarthy that he can kiss her ass and his little bitch ass will have to vote her out. Come on little bitch be a man and beat up on a woman in front of god and country. Asshole!

  6. Blah, blah, blah. Nothing will change, it will get worse. American politicians are worst than those from banana and “shithole” countries, as Trump called them.


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