Every day that goes by I see Lin Wood getting nuttier and nuttier and his claims more and more outlandish. His current mission impossible is to get elected the chair of the South Carolina GOP. You may recall that he threatened the current chair, Drew McKissick, saying “I know about you and Lindsey,” and telling him to withdraw from the race. And Wood is after both of them. He also has gone on record saying that Lindsey Graham is “a RINO, maybe worse than a RINO,” and not long for politics.

Wood’s latest foray into political science fiction is to claim — yet again — that Donald Trump is still the president and he infers that the military is in on the deal, because they’re going to call Trump to get the codes when they “need a first strike.” Who’s going to order the first strike, with Joe Biden merely playacting being the leader of the free world, and Trump, the true leader in exile, out on the golf course is not disclosed.

I love the part about the Insurrection Act. That’s my personal favorite. It’s pure QAnon. The yous and mes will just be sitting around one day, thinking out lib thoughts, petting our lib dogs and cats, who will be biting their lib fleas and then KBAM!! POW!! Just like on Batman, or better yet Red Dawn (1984 version) the troops just come out of the sky and take over everything.

And Wood has got an audience for this asininity, as you hear, and they’re wondering, “Why does Joe Biden act” like he’s really the POTUS? And they believe it’s because the almighty reality TV jackoff in his Florida country club allows it. They really think this is plausible. They simply do not know how anything works.

The stupidity of the average American is absolutely stunning. We have amused ourselves to death, just like the title of that wonderful book by Neil Postman, “Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse In the Age Of Show Business,” published in 1985. We’re there. I thought the book was alarming at the time — hell, I thought the movie A Face In The Crowd was alarming way back when. But forget about alarms, we.are.there.

Too many decades of the TV set as babysitter and people watching Bugs Bunny as opposed to something dull and boring like a political debate, have set us up for this time. It all makes perfect sense now. Donald Trump wasn’t a freak at all. Eventually, some talk show host was going to make it into the Oval Office, because the citizens of this land think that that makes sense. He was merely the one that did it. But it was not only foreseeable, it was more or less preordained.

Trump and Lin Wood and Mike Lindell all make sense in a TV world take on reality, and that’s the only take the MAGA/QAnons have. Civic involvement is far more limited than it used to be and anti-intellectualism is rampant. People get their news off of Facebook. That’s one of the main reasons we ended up with Trump in 2016, whatever came across the social media timeline was considered the gospel, why bother with those boring newspapers? They’re all run by commie elite eggheads.

Before the age of television, people took interest in culture and books and went out of their way to hear the pundits of the age. I recall reading how Mark Twain used to put on one of his white suits and set off across America in a locomotive-driven train, going from town to town and lecturing on the Chautauqua circuit. People sought enlightenment from the great thinkers of the day. They wanted to stimulate their minds. That was long before they watched game show hosts give away refrigerators  and sell toilet paper and that became their culture.

And now we have the likes of Lin Wood talking to the unwashed and brainwashed in that room. That is what you get when your highest level of education is the University of You Tube.

All that said, however, I still foresee a very rude awakening for both Lin Wood and Mike Lindell. Money is insulation, as Howard Hughes called it, but you can only stay insulated from reality from so long and then life bites. I see that happening for the both of them.

Meanwhile, we’ll watch each crazy chapter as it unfolds.




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  1. Adversity builds character. A scene from Lawrence of Arabia where the Bedouin guide was perplexed as to how Lawrence was crossing the desert without water comes to mind. The man asks ” Are you from a desert country?” Lawrence replies, ” I’m from a fat country. Fat people.” The man asks, ” You are not fat?” ” No. I’m different.” I’m afraid we are a fat country, full of fatheads.

  2. I guess he’s never heard that they change those codes frequently. They ones in use today won’t be ones the former guy might have known (not that the president has to use code words – the people actually giving the orders do).

  3. “All television is educational television. The question is: what is it teaching?” Nicholas Johnson. Our nation has been “dumbed down” by television. And you’re right, Murph, it was inevitable that a talk show host or game show host or the host of what I call “The Testosterone Diaries” (reality TV for low life guys) would eventually be elected to the office if President.


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