Fox News is many things to many people and to Mike Lindell it's apparently the object of his unrequited love. Lindell recently pulled all of his advertising from Fox and now he's claiming that he's "losing a million dollars...
The Arizona audit people, driven by a group of fanatics in the Arizona state senate, have escalated the level of confrontation up another notch by subpoenaing Dominion Voting Systems. I don't have a screenshot of Exhibit "A". Patriot Takes is...
Now granted, this is on the out of focus and grainy side. But the clip lasts long enough to where you can see Trump moving his mouth and he clearly has something wrong with it. It looks like it's...
This is an amazing playbook that the GOP has going. Lose an election and then pretend that you didn't, that the former guy is still president and that the long-dissolved cabinet is still a viable entity as well. This...
I guess America needs a batty uncle. In any event, we've got Mike Lindell and he has taken on that role in our lives. We all watch him, enjoying the laugh du jour but feeling somewhat guilty that we...
It is small wonder that in the last days of the reign of Trump that Bill Barr couldn't wait to get away. Yet more evidence is pouring out of an investigation started by the House Oversight Committee that Trump...
Oh, how sharper than a serpent's tooth is an ungrateful network! Mike Lindell asked Fox News to air an ad relating "to his efforts to promote his claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election," as the Wall...
As the Arizona audit gasps and wheezes, the other proposed audits in the country are doing no better. Arguably, the one with the most life was Pennsylvania, because Republican state senator Doug Mastriano thought it was a great opportunity...
Everything Trump touches dies and as the months go on, we see how the GOP is the leviathan that Trump hasn't killed dead in the water yet, but just give him time. After all, it's not like the Republican...
No mercy, no quarter, they'll pay for their sins! Now lower the cannons, let the battle begin!   The Dropkick Murphy's Keep both eyes open, this is getting really good really quick. The 1/6 Select Committee hearing yesterday was a first...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead