Have you got your calendars in hand? Ready to hit the switch on those countdown clocks? Good. Today is August 6, which means that in four days,  Mike Lindell’s epic cyber symposium will go forward at the convention center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota August 10 through 12. As well you know, Lindell has used words like “historic” to describe his religious fantasy of a miracle taking place and restoring Donald Trump to power via the Supreme Court, a feat which Lindell claims will unify the nation and change the world — and bring people back to Jesus — comes down to the final hours.

If you missed this piece on CNN last night, take eight minutes and watch it. CNN hired nine cyber experts and they soundly debunked Lindell’s so called evidence the way a Cartier jeweler would debunk a piece of rhinestone after looking through her glass for ten seconds. But Lindell won’t have it. No Sir, he’s got diamonds, in fact a trunk of them, and emeralds and rubies too and if you don’t see it that way, you’re the one who doesn’t know jewelry, not him.

Lindell is a true believer. He has this idee fixe, this monomania, that the election was stolen and that he is divinely appointed to right this wrong in quixotic fashion. I don’t know if what he’s doing here could be used as an insanity defense in court, which is something he might need, but there’s no way that this is normal. The man literally cannot hear facts that differ from the ones he’s presenting.

It makes sense that he would have a monomanic fixation. Addicts have obsessive compulsive personalities and the 2020 election is Lindell’s drug of choice. He simply can’t get off it, be talked down from it, nothing. He has created a fantasy world of his own and that’s where he lives. Here’s a sampling from today.

Anybody want to speculate? Bolsonaro? Duterte? Orban? Hugo Chavez on a Zoom call from the Twilight Zone?

A week from today is Friday the 13th. What do you think we’ll be talking about?

  1. Lindell being carted off to the funny farm?
  2. The Supreme Court shouting “Eureka! We would never have known?” and canceling their vacations to go into special session?
  3. Lindell planning the 5th sequel to Absolute Proof and a second cyber symposium?
  4. Lindell finally seeing the light and giving up?
  5. Something else, see my comment.

I have no idea how this ends but I see no scenario where it ends well.

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  1. Maybe this is the result of inhaling too many fumes from all that pillow stuffing for his pillows and, like other environmental toxins, the results of all that accumulation just took until now to finally manifest.

  2. We know that the mystery speaker won’t be Viktor Orban.
    He’s buddies with Tuck the cuck Carlson and pillow stuffing for brains is in a snit with Faux “news”.

  3. Well with your fruitcake ass running around on the loose. He’s not the only one. In your pathetic, bullshit lunatic ass is going to tear down our country trying to prove some fake big lie. I see you started with some counties, moved on to some states, and now you claim the whole dam country has been hacked or fucked or whatever. You don’t even know what you mean. You are just one big loser and soon they will come for you and put you in a very nice somewhat elegant dinner coat with arms that tie in the back. You freakin moron. Go play pickup sticks with you but boy trump.


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