This is getting interesting. Take note of this. Donald Trump went on Unfiltered last night and Fox News actually allowed him to spew the Big Lie. Now YouTube did not. YouTube edited out the portion that contradicted its community standards and that’s what Liz Harrington, Trump’s spokesperson is screaming about here, in Orwellian terms.

She’s accusing Fox News, but if in fact it went out live over the air, then the YouTube version is not Fox News’ doing. And that raises the point, if Fox News didn’t edit Trump, are they now endorsing the Big Lie? Because if they are, this is a 180 degree turn for them. They have studiously avoided getting in any deeper with Dominion Voting Systems.

Maybe this is a turning point. After all, if Trump does run in 2024 the main plank of his platform will be that the 2020 election was rightfully his and evil forces conspired against him. Grievance is the fuel that the MAGA machine runs on, non stop.

This bears watching. Maybe Fox News thought it was a 15 second slip and they weren’t worried about it or maybe this heralds something much bigger.


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  1. Has it ever got through to any of the idiots that, if he is (as he claims) the ‘legitimate’ president, that he’s barred by the constitution from running for a ‘third’ term?

  2. I’ve been seeing the name Liz Harrington lately. And each time I immediately change her name to EVE Harrington in my mind. I can’t imagine why…


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