This is getting out of control and quickly. Arizona state senator and audit maven Wendy Rogers is going through some kind of a meltdown and it includes threatening both legal action and violence against the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. Legal action is fine, fruitless but fine. The threats of violence need to stop.

Before you listen to Rogers tout her military background, bear in mind that Mike Flynn goes all over the country talking about how citizens are going to rise up in response to vague but powerful menace from equally vague and unnamed evil forces. And don’t turn a blind eye to the candidates running for the House in 2022 on the gods and guns platform. These people want to start a civil war.

Check you six means watch your back. Pilots use clock metaphor to communicate position. 12 o’clock is right in front of you, six is directly behind you. Great. Now we’ve got ex military threatening to shoot elected officials in the back.

This is getting beyond Donald Trump’s loss. This is starting to get very scary.

Take a look at ads for 2022 candidates. Taking over the country by force is the obvious message. I don’t think I’m being paranoid.

I never thought I would see the day that the GOP would become a death cult. But you call the shot the way you see it, if this looks different to you. The message that I get from these images, clear as a bell, is “elect me because I’m the warrior that’s going to take over the country by force.”

And Wendy Rogers’ message is basically the same thing. “We’re coming for you. Watch your six.” She says she’s military.

And here’s the icing on the cake of the God and guns theme. Mike Flynn was an honored guest at Kenneth Copeland’s mega church Sunday night.

Make no mistake, Flynn is a central character to watch in all this. He is constantly touting armed rebellion in not so veiled terms. Watch the God and guns connection to continue. A certain segment of America is mentally ill and they’re being led down the garden path and exploited by the immoral and the corrupt — and in the name of Jesus, no less.

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  1. They treat the Bible and the Constitution in the same way.

    Something to quote occasional phrases from, but not to follow the edicts of, or actually read.

  2. I remember when tRump was elected and we were going through the process of identifying “them” and “us.” People started talking about the tRombies “drinking the Kool-Aid.” Sounds like that may really be coming true. Show fealty to Agent Orange or be prepared to die. Very, very disturbing.

  3. No law enforcement would call this an actionable threat of violence, especially combined as it is with the specific reference to legal action. But she is seriously melting down and needs close watching.


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